Local Founder's Legacy Lives On
February is a special time for Deanna Cleaveland. It may be the shortest month of the year, but personally she’s experienced a lifetime of transformation and change during those 28 days.
It’s the month she got married. It’s the month she lost her husband of more than 40 years. And, it’s the month when Make-A-Wish Alaska and Washington was born.
Deanna’s late husband, Bob, co-founded the local chapter (whose birthday is officially recognized as February 28, 1986) so she’s been around the mission since day one.
“We started out with a handful of volunteers and a record-a-call (the great-grandparent of the answering machine) set up in our spare bedroom to take referral phone calls,” she said. In those early years they did it all: granted the wishes, raised the funds, and marketed the mission to anyone and everyone who would listen. Even when the organization transitioned from a 100 percent volunteer-run to professional staff, their support never faltered.

"To see how the chapter grew by leaps and bounds—from granting six wishes that first year to granting nearly a wish a day today—you can knock me over with a feather every time I see that statistic,” Now, almost 40 years later, Deanna’s commitment to Make-A-Wish is as strong as ever. Just a few years ago, she became an airport greet volunteer, helping send families off for their wish trips and welcome them back home. She likes the variety and flexibility, and that she can participate on different days and times of year.
“What we’re giving wish kids is intangible...It’s lasting. It’s memory making. It’s the most precious gift we can give.”
Deanna Cleaveland

Deanna and Bob Cleaveland
A few years ago, Deanna raised $7,500 in honor of what would have been Bob’s 75th birthday. With the help of family, friends and acquaintances near and far, she nearly doubled her goal. “I couldn’t wait to get up every morning and see who had donated,” she said. “Every single dollar raised was so precious to me and such a tribute to Bob and his legacy. It was my great pleasure to match each donation.”
And, Deanna and Bob will continue to be champions for wish kids to come as Legacy of Wishes donors. By naming Make-A-Wish in their estate plans, their thoughtfulness will make many more wishes come true for future wish kids.
“We are so grateful to Deanna and Bob for their support that helped to write our chapter’s history and will continue our future through their thoughtful estate gifts,”
No matter the size of the gift, when you include Make-A-Wish Alaska and Washington in your plans, you create a legacy that stands with your values and passes them onto the next generation, secures the future of our organization and makes a transformative impact that stands the length of time.
Join Deanna and Bob in making transformation possible when you include Make-A-Wish Alaska and Washington in your estate plans. To make things easier, we’ve partnered with FreeWill, a FREE online will writing platform that guides you through the process of creating your estate plan online. Check it out at www.freewill.com/makeawishakwa
Volunteers are the backbone of making wishes come true.
Share your time and talent and transform a child’s life.