Local physician’s prescription for hope is Make-A-Wish
When Dr. Ross Goshorn is designing the plan of care for his pediatric cancer patients, so much can vary based on the individual child, their type of cancer and so many other factors. But there is one constant: the joy he gets when he talks to his patients about their Make-A-Wish experience.
For about a decade, Dr. Goshorn has been referring hematology and oncology patients from Providence Sacred Heart Children’s Hospital in Spokane, WA. Make-A-Wish has been an integral part of work and has helped to strengthen the bonds of the doctor-patient relationship. We recently caught up with him and asked a few questions about his work and his Make-A-Wish experience.
What do you like about your job?
My favorite thing about my job is the long-term relationship with the patients and families. Even years after treatment is completed you have formed a long-lasting connection that always begins with a warm hug. What other job consistently does that?
Why do you refer children to Make-A-Wish?
I refer to Make-A-Wish to give the patient and family something to look forward to. It allows them to dream and plan when their days are otherwise filled with chemo, side effects and hospitalizations.
Do you have a favorite wish you have witnessed? Or a favorite wish story?
My favorite wish story is for LJ. He and his family had never been on a big family vacation together and his parents had never flown on commercial airlines previously. LJ’s wish was to go to Disneyland® and Make-A-Wish sent the entire family. It was a highlight for LJ and his family and was perfectly timed before he took a turn for the worse. It brought such joy and excitement to get ready for the trip and upon returning home his family was beaming and full of stories and memories to share with our clinic staff.