
Make-A-Wish fundraisers play a crucial role in helping raise awareness and funds for Make-A-Wish. When it comes to fundraising for Make-A-Wish San Diego, the only limit is your imagination. Fundraise online, engage your school, company or organization and join a community of supporters who transform lives.   
Liam on his motorcycle in front of police station
Kids For Wish Kids® 

By kids, for kids. Engage your peers, school or youth organization in hands-on fundraising and service activities that will help transform lives in your community. 

Sara riding her new adaptive bicycle
Online Fundraising 

Celebrate your birthday, challenge your co-workers or honor a loved one. Your fundraiser reflects what you care about. We simply provide the website and tools to help you succeed. 

Vicente holding ball in his new backyard.
Planned Giving Advisory Council (PGAC)

PGAC members’ expert advice, time and expertise with respect to advancing MAW’s mission through matters related to future and complex philanthropy.

Dom using the force with his Star Wars friends
WISH Circle

Join a community of donors whose generosity and commitment directly supports our mission.

Hailey outside of treehouse
Matching Gifts

Make your donation go even further with the help of your employer.

Jade concentrates playing violin
Create a Fundraiser

Whether it’s through athletic events, lemonade stands or birthday fundraisers, passionate supporters rally their networks to grant wishes in their communities.

Workplace Giving

This workplace giving program enables employees to plan and coordinate fundraising programs to help grant wishes.Â