Wish Society & Membership Groups
On This Page
The WISH Circle is a group of dynamic women committed to service and support of granting wishes in San Diego and Imperial Counties. Members make an annual personal donation of $500 to maintain membership while they work together to pool resources to collectively adopt wishes. Our goal is to reach more children and their families through our efforts. The more members we have, the more wishes we can support.
In addition to granting wishes, members can meet and network with like-minded women with a passion for philanthropy and desire to create a true impact in San Diego.
WISH Circle membership includes:
⦁ Invitation to Annual WISH Circle Appreciation Event.
⦁ Invitation to quarterly gatherings at the private residences of current members.
⦁ Opportunity to participate in Adopt-A-Wish experiences throughout the year.
⦁ Access to volunteer opportunities with wish kids.
⦁ Opportunity to serve as an ambassador for Make-A-Wish Signature Events
⦁ WISH Circle name badge
Click here to download a WISH Circle Membership Form
WISH Circle Contact
Stefanie Munoz
Chief Development Officer
4995 Murphy Canyon Road, Suite 402
San Diego, CA 92123
Wishes are empowering — even transformative. They spark imagination and can provide kids the added strength they need to fight a critical illness. These life-changing experiences touch hearts and inspire action to those who grant them.
There's nothing more powerful than leaving a lasting gift of hope. A planned gift, left through a bequest, retirement plan, life insurance policy or other means, ensures your legacy lives on through wishes — enhancing the lives of children with critical illnesses long into the future.
Leave a Legacy of Hope
Membership is accomplished by simply notifying us that you have named Make-A-Wish as a beneficiary of your estate. We welcome the opportunity to speak with you further.
Stefanie Munoz
Chief Development Officer
4995 Murphy Canyon Road, Suite 402
San Diego, CA 92123
The Make-A-Wish San Diego (MAWSD) Planned Giving Advisory Council (PGAC) comprises local financial planning advisors, attorneys, CPAs, and professional fiduciaries who offer guidance, provide support, and make recommendations when and as requested by the MAWSD leadership team, and serve as a resource and connector to advance the Make-A-Wish mission.
The PGAC is comprised of highly skilled professionals whose experience and expertise are well suited to advising or otherwise supporting MAWSD concerning matters of planned giving or gifts that donors typically coordinate with financial advisors, such as donations from a Donor Advised Fund.
About the PGAC -- to view our members
This is an advisory role and members do not have voting or governance duties for MAWSD, nor is there a required financial commitment.
PGAC members may be asked to do any of the following:
- Offer insight and expertise on the impact of trends in economics, taxation and estate planning on charitable giving.
- Provide advice on marketing plans and collateral.
- Share educational opportunities for donors and fellow legal and financial professionals on relevant topics.
- Help our donors find professional support and guidance when making a planned gift.
- Educate the chapter’s Board of Directors and staff about planned giving and other ways of giving.
- Advocate for planned gifts to MAWSD through professional affiliations and community outreach.
Carter Weast
Senior Manager, Development
4995 Murphy Canyon Road, Suite 402
San Diego, CA 92123
cweast@sandiego.wish.org #619-274 -5214