Thinking Happy Thoughts to Make Wishes Come True
"When I saw her all the air came out of my fingers and my toes, it was so cool," said Mimms. "My heart was beating so fast, it was saying 'I am so excited, I am so excited, I'm so excited!'"

Mimms and Carleigh enjoy an afternoon together on a swing.
The 7-year-old, from Portland, qualified for a wish in 2017 after being diagnosed with Marfan Syndrome.
“My back surgery hurt more than heart surgery, but my heart surgery needed more medicine," said Mimms. "I was in the hospital for two or three weeks, but it’s okay, I met a new part of my heart there, my friends!"
One of those friends is 8-year-old Carleigh of Vancouver, Washington. She was also diagnosed with Marfan Syndrome. The two help get each other get through the tough times, doctors even schedule their appointments back-to-back so they can catch up and have fun.
"She is my special friend, we both love animals and we see the same doctors," said Mimms.
Carleigh also qualifies for a wish and is currently one of hundreds of local kids waiting for their wishes to come true. Mimms is determined to help make a difference in her community by sharing her story in support of future wishes, like Carleigh's.
"Having my wish granted helps me to feel loved, I want that for all the waiting kids," said Mimms.
If you close your eyes and think about something you really want with all your heart and believe, that's when magic happens. This much Mimms knows from Peter Pan.
She's now thinking happy thoughts to help make wishes come true.
Click here to read Mimms' letter to our supporters, like you.
Wishes are possible because of you.
Help Mimms spread hope to local children, like Carleigh.

"I was screaming for reals, I felt like a star hanging above outer space!"