
You can help create life-changing experiences for wish kids. 

Donate frequent flyer miles, hotel loyalty points, building materials, new electronics, and more. In-kind contributions are incredibly important to the mission of Make-A-Wish Oregon. Our chapter continues to be one of the top Make-A-Wish chapters in the nation to secure in-kind donations. Nearly 50% of our total wish costs are secured through in-kind donations. 

We continue to seek in-kind donations for our annual Wish Ball auction. Should you have a package or high-valued item you would like to donate, please contact us. Donated items must be new, please.  


Jess Taylor 
Development & Database Manager 
Desk: 503-802-7803 
Main: 503-292-2280 

Make-A-Wish Oregon   
5901 S Macadam Ave. Suite 200 
Portland, OR 97239 
Phone: 503-292-2280 
Phone: 800-934-WISH  
Fax: 503-292-9423  