Ways to Help Us

Thanks to passionate supporters like you, Make-A-Wish shines a light of hope for children fighting critical illnesses when they need it most. Together, we create life-changing wishes for children with critical illnesses during their darkest days. Whether you are an individual donor, corporate sponsor, fundraising advocate or volunteer, your generous support transforms lives, one wish at a time.    
Wish kid Mariangel smiling and lying in grass

Wishes are only made possible because of generous supporters like you - and there are so many ways to get started! Donate today and help us transform lives, one wish at a time. 

Kids selling lemonade to raise funds for wishes

Whether it’s through athletic events, lemonade stands or birthday fundraisers, passionate supporters rally their networks to grant wishes in their communities. 

Volunteer and wish kid

There are so many ways to share your time and talents to transform a child’s life through a wish. Find out how you can get involved today!

Wish kid Charlie

Your Wish journey doesn't have to end once it's granted - learn how you can get involved with our Wish Alumni Community!Â