Personal Giving

Nominee wished to be a vet
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Give by credit card, check and more.

Frankie sees snow
Give Monthly

Bring strength and smiles every month.

Fendi's Macy's Shopping Spree
Stocks and Mutual Funds

Giving stock doesn't just help wish kids – maximize your potential tax benefits.

Emma Sees Snow
Donor Advised Funds

Recommend a grant from your DAF or name us as a beneficiary to help grant wishes.

Shore feels strong in the ice.
Qualified Charitable Distributions (IRA Rollover)

Increase your giving power with a tax-saving way to grant local wishes. While popular for individuals over 70 ½, donors of all ages can select us as a beneficiary.

Elijah Family Disney
Planned Giving

Leave a legacy of hope for the future by including us in your will or estate plans.