Help Make Wishes Come True!

Thanks to passionate supporters like you, Make-A-Wish Michigan shines a light of hope for children fighting critical illnesses when they need it most. Together, we create life-changing wishes for children with critical illnesses during their darkest days. Whether you are an individual donor, corporate sponsor, fundraising advocate or volunteer, your generous support transforms lives, one wish at a time. 
wish family wearing the monthly giving shirts while cheering
Donate Monthly 

Become a monthly giving donor and transform lives, one wish at a time—every month of the year. Sign up for as little as $5 a month or with donations over $19, receive a special edition t-shirt exclusive to our monthly donors. 

A child in a hot pink headband and brightly colored dress stands with arms thrown out wide behind a snack stand fundraiser. In front of the child, a table covered with a bright yellow plastic tablecloth is filled with individual variety bags of potato chips. A sign taped to the front of the table reads "WAM (Wish-A-Mile) Fundraiser" and advertises lemonade, water, and snacks for sale.

Whether it’s through athletic events, lemonade stands or birthday fundraisers, passionate supporters rally their networks to grant wishes in their communities. 

A young child with short blond hair is wearing a royal blue Make-A-wish t-shirt over a long-sleeved gray shirt and clutching a stuffed Mickey Mouse toy as two wish-granting volunteers hug him during a wish discovery meeting.

Volunteers are at the airport greeting a wish family, delivering wish enhancements or helping a child determine a wish. Share your time and talents as a volunteer and transform a child's life.

Five adults pose with their arms around each other. They are wearing matching green and purple cycling outfits with the Trinity Health logo. In the background, their bikes are laying on the grass.
Corporate Giving

Our generous local corporations help grant life-changing wishes through innovative and customized sponsorship programs. Learn how your company can make a difference today!

Michigan kid Jude is standing in front of the presents for his wish to give

The Leadership Advisory Council (LAC)

Become a member of our LAC.

A six-year-old child with short blond hair poses for a photo with the flight crew for a wish trip. The child wears a custom matching flight attendant's uniform, complete with a pair of wings pinned to a navy blue vest. Four adults in navy suits with pale yellow shirts and orange ties or scarves kneel behind the child in the airport boarding area.
Other Ways To Support 

Whether you donate airline miles, purchase promotional products or establish a charitable giving plan—there are so many ways you can transform Michigan kids' lives.