December 12, 2020

Wagner Family Christmas Wishes

Join us for an evening of holiday music and wishes.
7 p.m.

Join us for the Wagner Family Christmas Wishes, a virtual holiday concert event benefiting Make-A-Wish®.

In 2015, wish alum Zoe was granted her wish to go to the Florida theme parks. Since her wish experience, Zoe and her family have been dedicating their time and hard work to making more local wishes possible. For 10 years, the Wagner family has raised more than $50,000 towards wishes.

This year, they are hosting their first-ever virtual holiday concert. This online event will feature several musicians from around Zoe's community and is free to the public to watch on Facebook Live and YouTube.

Be sure to RSVP here for the Wagner Family Christmas Wishes!

We ask that you please make a donation to the link below and help the Wagner Family continue to keep the Make-A-Wish mission alive. Together, we can create life-changing wishes for children with critical illnesses.