
Become a Volunteer
Wish kid Jared with his volunteers Jeanne and Claire.

Join a caring community of volunteers who transform lives. Together, we can make countless wishes come true.  

 Your time and unique talents are critical to bringing strength and hope to wish kids when they need it the most. In fact, our volunteers are at the heart of every wish experience. 

Make-A-Wish® volunteers consider their work impactful and meaningful. And, their efforts are rewarded—not in dollars or cents, but in the incredible difference they make in the lives of our wish kids. Volunteers even have the freedom to choose when and how they would like to help transform lives in our community. 

We understand that you want to volunteer but might not know where your skills and talents best lie. Check out our volunteer opportunities and see where you can best help make wishes come true. 

Begin Your Make-A-Wish Journey

At every level of the organization, volunteers are critical to the mission. Get started today and soon you can bring hope and joy to local children with critical illnesses as a Make-A-Wish volunteer. 

  • All volunteers must agree to abide by the policies and procedures of Make-A-Wish Greater Pennsylvania and West Virginia.  
  • All prospective volunteers must attend a one-on-one interview/orientation with the Volunteer Coordinator or a Regional Office Manager.  
  • All new volunteers must attend a four-hour training class, which is held on Saturdays or in the evenings.  
  • Newly-trained wish volunteers will agree to be part of a wish team and complete two to three wishes as a "trainee." 
  • Wish Granting Training 201 is mandatory for all wish granting volunteers every other year following the volunteer's completion of the initial Wish Granting Training 101 session. 
Volunteer Inquiry Form

Want to be a Make-A-Wish Volunteer?

Types of Volunteers

Want to take wish granting to the next level?

Help us raise funds for local wishes! 

With your help as a Fundraising Volunteer, you can bring hope and joy to more children waiting for their wish-come-true. Consider starting an online fundraiser with a Wish Your Way page. The more funds you raise, the more wishes we grant and the more lives you change. It’s super easy, too!

Contact us today to get started: onlinegiving@greaterpawv.wish.org

Wish Granting Volunteer

As a member of a wish team, wish granters meet with the family, help the wish child determine the wish and act as a liaison between Make-A-Wish staff and the wish family during the wish process. Wish granters must be a minimum of 21 years old. Attendance at an in-depth training session is required.  

Volunteer training classes are held every spring and fall. We are in special need of volunteers who can speak both English and Spanish.


Help facilitate wish experiences for non-English-speaking families. Translators have the option of becoming fully-trained wish granting volunteers, or they can provide short-term support on an as-needed basis. 

Event Fundraising Volunteer

Assist our development team by working at or attending fundraising events to provide support or to accept donations on behalf of Make-A-Wish.

Wish Kid Special Events Volunteer

Assist the office by attending an event to provide support and staff. Examples: Parties hosted by Make-A-Wish for our wish kids. 

Wish Family Ambassador

Open to wish alumni and their families, represent Make-A-Wish at a number of external outreach and fundraising events to share your wish experience. 

Speaker’s Bureau Volunteer

A speaker's bureau Volunteer will present key information and share stories regarding Make-A-Wish to community organizations, corporations, schools, and internal or external events. Through these efforts the volunteer will aim to increase the audience's awareness and support for Make-A-Wish.

 (This volunteer opportunity is limited and extended to volunteers later in their tenure with Make-A-Wish.)

Office Volunteer

Assist with miscellaneous projects at the office, including phone help, mailings, assembly of projects and administrative support. Limited opportunities available. 


Bilingual Volunteers Needed

Make-A-Wish is in special need of bilingual volunteers to help with wishes and translation, especially in our Scranton, Pittsburgh, Pottsville and York regions. Volunteers are essential to our commitment to bring hope and joy into the lives of children with critical illnesses. 

If you can help, please fill out our volunteer form and indicate that you are interested in serving as a bilingual volunteer in the comments section.

Current Volunteers
Information Technology

To view new polices and volunteer news, visit our Volunteer Headquarters online. 
(Please note this website is for trained volunteers only.)