Gift Levels and Recognition

Make-A-Wish® has several recognition programs that help raise the funds needed for wishes, administration costs and the endowment. Wishmaker® and Wishpartner contributions fund wish granting expenses and are not used for administration purposes. Donations can also be unrestricted, in which case Make-A-Wish will use the contribution where it is most needed. Following is additional information on each of these programs.


A Wishmaker® is a person, foundation or corporation that contributes a minimum of $5,000 -- enough to completely fund one wish. The Wishmaker amount, $5,000, is based on the cost of our most popular wish, a trip to the Walt Disney World® Resort for a family of four. 100% of these funds are dedicated toward wish expenses. 

Wishmakers® receive full details of the wish they helped fund and are listed in our newsletter, annual report and website. Wishmakers also receive a Wishmaker plaque designed by one of our wish children. 


Wishpartners are individuals, companies, schools or organizations that contribute to part of the cost of a wish. A minimum donation of $500 is required to become a Wishpartner. These contributions are then pooled with those of other Wishpartners until they reach $5,000, enough to help fund a wish.

A personal thank-you letter acknowledges every contribution to Make-A-Wish. Wishpartners are presented with a certificate designed by one of our wish children. In addition, all donations of $1,000 or more are listed on our website donor list.