Welcome, Wish Family Alumni

Wish Family Alumni Logo
Wish kid Ainsley

As a Wish Family Alumni, how can I help? 

  • Share your story: There is nothing more powerful than your words, pictures, stories and quotes to ignite support for future wishes. Please share your wish on social media and tag us @MakeAWishAKWA 
  • Wish it forward: Help raise funds to make future wishes a reality by hosting an online fundraiser. We have an easy-to-use tool and we’ll help you every step of the way. Email [email protected] to get started!  
  • Become a wish-granting volunteer: Right now, many children are waiting for their wishes because we don’t have enough volunteers. If you or anyone you know is interested in becoming a volunteer, let us know. Email [email protected] for more info.  


We can’t wait to hear from you and celebrate the long-lasting impact of wishes.Â