
Sakura-Con and Make-A-Wish: A Heartfelt Partnership Spanning Decades

When you think of an anime convention, it may be the fascinating costumes that come to mind. If you’re a huge anime fan, you might see it as the ultimate opportunity to meet internationally renowned animators and voice actors. What you may not know is a hidden gem that occurs annually – an event that has spanned over decades to make a huge difference in the lives of wish kids.

For more than two decades, Sakura-Con has benefited Make-A-Wish Alaska & Washington with their Sakura-Con Charity Auction. Overall, the auction has raised over $500,000 for Make-A-Wish Alaska & Washington, raising just under $42,000 from this year alone. The auction features rare one-of-a-kind art pieces, autographs, collectible figurines, skateboard decks and more—even VIP passes for the next year's event!

It has become an annual tradition for the convention to invite a wish kid to be a VIP Guest of Honor. For wish alum Nicole, receiving this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity was a perfect blend of their appreciation for Make-A-Wish, passion for artwork, and their undeniable love for anime.

In 2021, Nicole's wish for an anime and cosplay shed came true. As the Guest of Honor, Nicole spoke in front of the auction audience, sharing their medical journey and their first-hand experience as a wish recipient, highlighting the profound impact receiving a wish had on their life. Coincidentally, the convention landed on their birthday weekend. was one of the most fun birthdays of my entire life. I got to interact with other fans and share my love of all things fandom, cosplay, anime, and manga.


Wish Alum

Nicole at SakuraCon 2024

Nicole said, “To describe my [Sakura-Con] experience, I'd say it was one of the most fun birthdays of my entire life. I got to interact with other fans and share my love of all things fandom, cosplay, anime, and manga... The staff and volunteers were super nice and accommodating and made the whole experience extra special.”  

Sakura-Con doesn’t stop with a one-time experience, they give wish kid Guests of Honor lifetime VIP access to the event. Katina, who was the honored wish alum at the 2015 auction, connected with Nicole through the wish alumni community. They became fast friends, coordinating cosplay outfits together. Katina and her mom, Erica, even submitted artwork to this year’s auction alongside Nicole. Together, their sense of community and partnership continue to flourish.  

Long-time auction donor and owner of Unlock the Con, Barry Weaver, became the interim auctioneer for the 2024 Sakura-Con Charity Auction. Sharing a passion for Make-A-Wish and a love for Sakura-Con, Barry took the stage and helped fundraise nearly $42,000 – an incredible feat! Reflecting on his experience, Barry said, “I was overwhelmed by the end of the evening, as it truly is a core memory and a life highlight for me. I want people to know that everyone can make a difference in people’s lives if they want to and the Make-A-Wish Charity Auction is a great place to start!” 

Thank you to our amazing friends at Sakura-Con, especially the convention leadership and the Charity Auction team of Jason Wong and Jennifer Brown, and to their generous auction bidders for continually supporting the dreams of anime-loving wish kids and the mission of Make-A-Wish Alaska & Washington.

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