I wish to paint the Fountains of Bellagio

Painting the Fountains of Bellagio Offers Peace and Joy to Hector
It’s been over a decade since wish kid Hector first saw the Fountains of Bellagio in Las Vegas. He was a small boy at the time and was immediately amazed by them—and the sensory experience of color, water, and music.
Hector thought the Fountains of Bellagio were the most beautiful thing he’d ever experienced.
So much so that he started watching YouTube videos of them and painting them to experience beauty and peace. “The music and the fountains kept him going...and at peace,” said his sister, Rachel. This was especially true after his leukemia diagnosis in 2019.
Monthly hospital visits far from home combined with daily chemo was a drain on Hector. His one reprieve: his happy place. One that combines music, lights and water.
While in the depths of treatment, Hector asked to paint with his sister and fellow artist, and always wanted to paint the Fountains of Bellagio for relief.

When Hector and his family found out he qualified for a wish, they first thought about getting away from it all and going on a trip.
After some brainstorming with their wish-granting volunteers about what brings Hector joy, they knew exactly the perfect wish: Hector wished to paint the Fountains of Bellagio in real life!
And that’s exactly what he did—with his whole family. While in Vegas, Hector spent most of his wish trip at the fountains—watching them, listening to the music, taking videos to bring home, and painting. He could even see the fountains from his hotel room.
“It was a really fun experience because we hadn’t had an experience with the whole family in so long,” said Rachel.
And now, when Hector paints from home, he still uses the videos from his wish trip to inspire his work. “Every day, he asks us to take him back to Las Vegas,” said Rachel.
Hector’s wish will last forever in his heart, his mind, and on the canvases that adorn the walls in his home. It’s a constant reminder of the love, compassion and care that the community made possible through his wish.
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