I wish to go to the Walt Disney World® Resort

Tyler, wish granted 2004

autoimmune disorder

Justus and Taylor at Disney

Tyler’s Wish is an Everlasting Beacon of Hope, Strength and Priceless

Tyler knows what it’s like to wait for hope. 

Throughout his life, the 31-year-old has faced a critical illness, bullying, gun violence and poverty. Through it all, one thing that stands out to him, even today, is the life-changing impact of his wish, which was granted in 2004. “My wish gave me reasons to dream and built me up as a person,” Tyler said. “It inspired me to keeping pushing forward during a time when I really needed something positive to hold onto.” 

Tyler’s medical journey began on a day that seemed like any other. After coming home from school, Tyler walked up the stairs to his apartment and found himself struggling to breathe. His mom rushed him to the hospital where they learned the terrifying news that Tyler had an autoimmune disorder. He spent the next three weeks lying in a hospital bed in isolation. 

Tyler and brother with Woody at Disney

Tyler (left) with his brother and Woody on his wish to go to Walt Disney World® Resort in 2004.

“Life then changed pretty significantly,” Tyler said. “Anytime I got sick, I would typically have to be hospitalized.” On top of his health struggles, his classmates started bullying him because of his weight, which fluctuated dramatically due to the medications he took for his illness. “That was a pretty rough time in my life,” he said. “When I think about the emotional toll it took on me, it was really challenging. I remember asking God, ‘why do bad things happen to good people?’” 

Tyler saw a light of hope when he connected with Make-A-Wish. His family had never been on a vacation before, and Tyler saw his wish as a chance to fulfill a childhood dream. He wished to go on a trip to the Walt Disney World® Resort with his mom, aunt and younger brother. “For us, coming from a poor background and being able to do it for free, and being able to get a glimpse of hope in a time of darkness and sadness, it really meant a lot to us and still does,” Tyler said. 

Tyler’s wish marked the beginning of a hopeful new chapter for his entire family. “It was more than I could have ever imagined,” he said.  

It gave me an opportunity to take a break and enjoy time with my family doing something we otherwise wouldn’t ever have been able to do.
Justus and Taylor in the snow

Today, Tyler and his wife, Justus, who works for Make-A-Wish, said that Tyler’s wish still impacts their lives today. “I give to Make-A-Wish because of what Make-A-Wish has given to me,” Justus said. “Tyler’s experience was so life-changing that I wanted to create wishes for other families.” 

Like Justus, Tyler’s wish inspired him to pursue a career directed at helping others. “I want to start a community center at one point, and it all started when I got to make a wish when I was 14 years old,” Tyler said. “It encouraged me to dream big [and] never give up … It motivated me to give back and serve others like I was served.”  

Recently, Tyler lost his brother to gun violence. The wish trip they shared are some of Tyler’s most precious memories and the photos are irreplaceable. “Although he’s gone, I can look back on those memories and get excited that I was able to have those moments with him,” Tyler said. “It was a celebration of my wish, but I also created special life moments with my family. Having a wish granted continuously inspires me to give back and be the change I wish to see in the world.” 

Together, Disney and Make-A-Wish have made more than 145,000 wishes come true over the course of their 40-year relationship, with every part of Disney —from its theme parks and Disney stores, to sports-themed experiences, to the television and movie studios—helping grant these life-changing wishes.