Volunteer Spotlight: Luis Navarro
More than a Moment
Luis Navarro loves nothing more than granting wishes. The El Paso native has been a wish granter with Make-A-Wish North Texas for more than four years, and he’s navigated the wish journey with 10 wish families and counting. Luis works as a comprehensive services manager for ADP. When he’s not planning unique wish reveals or introducing new wish families to the Make-A-Wish journey, Luis enjoys cooking and watching movies with his wife and stepson.
One of Luis’ favorite parts of being a wish granter is the wish reveal, which is the moment a child finds out their wish is being granted. He has planned and executed wish reveals of all kinds—first pitches at baseball games, trips to the local zoo, pizza parties, restaurant surprises and more. Throughout the wish journey, Luis learns about the wish kid’s favorite things and does his best to incorporate those elements into the big reveal.
“The recipe is easy – they tell me what they like and I try to make it happen. I leverage help from the community and include the family to ensure it’s what the child really wants,” he shared. “The most important part of the reveal is to make sure the right people are there and that I made it unique to the wish kid.”
Luis is passionate about volunteering with Make-A-Wish because it allows him to give back—and he often discovers life lessons from the wish families along the way.
“The kids and families inspire me. They give me perspective on what it means to never give up, to see the world in a different lens and to realize it’s all a gift…. even the struggles,” he said.
Luis has a heart for Make-A-Wish, and he’s experienced the power of a wish come true many times over the years. His favorite part of the wish experience is seeing the pure joy on a child’s face the moment they find out their wish is going to be granted.
“To be happy for a single moment is easy, but true joy is hard. Joy is a powerful thing and can change the direction of your life. Make-A-Wish creates this for our wish kids and families to have forever,” he shared.
Luis hopes that he can be as strong as the kids he meets, and he often encourages others to become involved with the Make-A-Wish mission.
“Granting wishes is powerful and can change the lives of all who are involved, not for a moment—but forever,” he expressed.
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Pictured: Luis and wish kid Aiyanna, whose wish to go to Disney World was granted in October!