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Volunteer Spotlight: Ashley Chambers

Ashley Chambers’ passion for Make-A-Wish began with a deeply personal experience—her cousin Melech’s wish. Originally granted a Disney cruise, Melech’s wish changed to a room makeover after his leukemia returned. "Make-A-Wish went above and beyond to help him decide on another wish," she recalled. Seeing the joy it brought her cousin and experiencing firsthand how her whole family felt included, she knew she wanted to give back. 

Now, as a Wish Granter, she loves the connections she forms with wish kids and their families. "Every wish I’ve been a part of, the family really makes you feel like you’re part of their family," she said.  

One of Ashley's most memorable wishes was granting a college tuition wish. The wish kid’s entire family gathered to celebrate, cooking and sharing stories, making her feel truly welcome. "My favorite part was when they announced he would be ringing the bell at the hospital later that week—and he invited me to join!” she said. “It warms my heart that I got to be a part of that special moment." 

For Ashley, volunteering is a reminder to never take life or people for granted. She encourages others to get involved, saying, "Go for it. Everyone has a reason why, and it doesn’t always have to come from experience. If you love talking to others and making a difference, this is an incredible way to do it." Her journey with Make-A-Wish is a testament to the power of a wish—not just for the wish kids, but for the volunteers who help bring them to life. 

Thank you, Ashley, for all that you do for our wish kids and their families!

To learn more about how you can join Ashley as a Make-A-Wish volunteer, click here.