Wish Alum Isabella and friends

My Story - By Wish Alum Isabella

Wish Alum Isabella Playing Soccer

The sky was blue that morning, not a cloud in sight. The game was tough, but we were holding our own. I was put on the right wing against a girl who was around my size. I was passed the soccer ball from the center and took it down the sideline. I felt the girl behind me running, but I started to run faster. It felt like I had beaten her.

Then horrible pain spread through my body, and I was laying on the hot turf. My first instinct was “Get up, Bella.” I thought I was fine… until I tried to take a step and I almost fell back to the floor. The trainer wrapped my swollen leg in ice and said, “I've never seen anything like this. I would recommend going to your doctor.”

After countless x-rays and doctors’ appointments it was confirmed that it was a blood clot that had formed in my leg and it would go down after some rest… so we thought.

Weeks passed, and the swelling came back. had gone down but then I noticed it started up again. Areas of my back started to go numb and tingling pains started shooting throughout my back. It was almost impossible to ever be comfortable or sit still. Eventually, I gave up my stubborn ways and went to the ER.

Wish Alum Isabella in Hospital

It was hours of waiting and blood tests and x-rays. An ER doctor decided, just from what I was saying, he didn't feel comfortable leaving until he ran my tumor levels. He pointed out all the little fuzzy clouds on the film that had taken over my lungs. There were possible indications of something cancerous.

The oncologist was on her way.

My stomach sunk and a blanket of anxiety wrapped around me. I was admitted to the hospital and didn’t leave for 15 days.

Eventually they solved the question of my diagnosis - Metastatic Ewing's Sarcoma.

I didn’t know how to react or cope with the fact that I had just been diagnosed with cancer. I was 17this wasn’t supposed to happen. This wasn’t my plan.

My family coped in different ways privately, but they didn’t let me see it.

The treatments were, to put it simply - rough. I lost all my hair and was sick all the time. I got severe burns from radiation treatments. I didn’t like to leave my house; I was self-conscious of the way I looked. But I had to realize it wasn’t my fault I looked this way. There wasn't anything I could do to stop it.

When I was diagnosed, I was told I could be granted a wish. Though, honestly, I felt like I didn’t deserve one. “Why not give it to a younger kid?” I thought. My mom had to explain to me that I was still a kid, and I deserved something good like this.

Hawaii landscape

Brainstorming ideas for a wish, I had become stressed because I was so unsure of what I truly wanted. I'd always heard how Hawaii is on #1 on many peoples’ bucket lists, so I thought this is the perfect opportunity to see for myself.

It wasn’t until we received a fully decorated folder called “Bella’s Wish,” that it hit me - this was really happening. I was beyond excited.

Finally arriving in Hawaii was surreal. It was beyond gorgeous; I felt like I was living a dream. It felt like, as a family, we really needed this. We needed to get away from our reality, even if it was only for a couple of days.

Wish Alum Isabella and family

It felt truly amazing to just unwind from my life as a cancer patient; to feel like a normal teenager on vacation. We laid on the beach and swam in the waves, ziplined through a valley, and cruised the ocean at sunset. My family and I had the best time ever on that vacation. Looking back, it was something we needed to heal from the emotionally distressing year we had been through.

Those memories will forever hold a special place in my heart. I can’t really express just how thankful I am to experience something like this. This trip has given me hope - that eventually everything will work itself out. It will all be okay.