I wish to have a shopping spree!



blood disorder

Damian's Wish to have a Shopping Spree

Damian's Wish to have a Shopping Spree!

Damian’s Shopping Spree Sparks Hope In His Family

Damian has always been a fun-loving child who thinks of others before himself. He loves to play video games with his four siblings and despite his health challenges, he is always full of joy.

Damian’s health journey began with a blood disorder diagnosis, but additional tests showed that Damian required a bone marrow transplant. Immediately after his transplant, Damian’s family got the terrifying news that he had a brain hemorrhage and had to be transported to the ICU. After days of isolated recovery, Damian was stable enough for his parents to come visit him and to start the transplant recovery process. His recovery included a staggering 100-day hospital stay filled with extended periods of isolation and painful procedures.

While he spent months in the hospital away from his family, the promise of a wish gave Damian a reason to hope. When thinking of his heartfelt wish, he knew that he wanted something that he could share with his siblings. Because he spent so much time away from them, he wanted to wish for something special that they could all enjoy together.

Damian knew that, more than anything, he wanted to have a shopping spree to pick out special toys and games that both he and his siblings could enjoy together. He had so much fun filling up his virtual shopping cart with everything he wanted while recovering from the transplant!

He did his research to find out exactly what he wanted to get himself and was able to video chat with his siblings to find out exactly what they wanted. The day he got his chest catheter removed was the same day he finally finished his shopping spree list.

When Damian got home from his long hospital stay, he was surprised with a wish party, complete with pizza and all the toys and games from his shopping list. He enjoyed unwrapping every item, all while being surrounded by his family. Damian’s wish created hope for his family and something to look forward to after long stays away from home.

While he spent months in the hospital away from his family, the promise of a wish gave Damian a reason to hope.

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