Anisa and her LOL dolls

Anisa's Wish for "All the LOL Dolls in the World!"

“Learning about Anisa’s diagnosis was very scary and extremely shocking. My husband and I thought she was a very advanced 2-year-old, but that independence was abruptly taken away.

Anisa was so ill that she slipped into a coma, so there was really no way for her to comprehend what was happening. In all, she had six surgeries, 33 rounds of radiation, then four cycles of chemotherapy.  

One day our social worker at the hospital explained that Anisa was eligible for a wish. I will not lie, I cried. I never thought my baby would have to go through any of this, but I was happy because there are such wonderful people out there looking to put a smile on a family’s face during such a trying time.

The next step was trying to figure out what my then 3-year-old, would even want…

After her brain surgery she had horrible tremors and was unable to even hold a marker. Her occupational therapist suggested we work on her fine motor skills at home. So, we played with LOL Dolls all day, every day. In a matter of a week, her tremors were gone, and she was able to do lacing activities on her own.

For her wish, we visited the question of ‘If you could have one thing in this world what would it be?’ Her answer was, ‘All the LOL Dolls in the world!’ As her mother (and cleaner of the home), I felt this would be a very big mess, but anything to make her happy. Happiness equals success, which we are sure of now.

Anisa and her LOL dolls

The week of her wish, Anisa stayed at the hospital for chemotherapy and had to stay longer because her blood count was low. When she arrived home she was feeling very weak, but as soon as she saw the big set up, her face lit up!

All I ever want for my girl is to be happy and healthy, to have everything she needs and wants. I felt helpless after her diagnosis. But seeing her wish, at a time when she needed it the most, filled my heart with so much joy.

She talks about her wish all the time, asking me to show everyone the pictures! In the hospital it was a good story to redirect difficult situations. The nurses would discuss her wish with her as they changed her chemo bags, and it would keep her focused on something positive rather than her medicine.

She has been through more than most adults in such a short period of time and so dramatically. If I feel down, I try to cry without her knowing, but there have been a few times she caught me. Once during radiation, I went into the bathroom to cry because I had noticed more hair falling out on her pillow.

Anisa barged in and told me to stop because, ‘the booboo in her head was all gone’. From that moment on, I believed it because who knows better than the little person who had it. That is strength.

My family would like to thank Make-A-Wish for everything you all do for not only Anisa but every other child out there. You make dreams come true during such frightening times as well as share stories, which can have such an impact on another family’s life - by restoring hope!” - Samantha, Wish Mom