I wish to meet dinosaurs
Langerhans cell histiocytosis

Jules' Dino-mite Wish
When Jules was just seventeen months old, he was diagnosed with a rare form of cancer, known as Langerhans cell histiocytosis.

For over two years, in a fight for his life, he went through multiple treatments. Despite his medical challenges, Jules has always been a happy child, and the light of the world to his entire family. Jules always had a fascination with dinosaurs, for as long as he could remember. While he favors Tyrannosaurus Rex and Stegosaurus,
Jules is a true dinosaur fanatic, eager to learn everything he can about the creatures that roamed our Earth once upon a time.
When Make-A-Wish came into Jules’ life, there was no doubt what his one true wish would be – to meet dinosaurs!
Jules got the surprise of a lifetime when he went on a North Jersey scavenger hunt, beginning at his home and traveling by limousine in response to the clues he was given to The Learning Experience in Hoboken, New Jersey, great partners of Make-A-Wish.
After exploring the facility and, through a mini dino dig discovering yet another clue, Jules’ family hopped back in their VIP transport and off they went to Jersey City’s Liberty Science Center, where Jules was in store for a night of private access to the entire museum.
After a grand welcoming ceremony filled with cheering fans from the Liberty Science Center, The Learning Experience and Make-A-Wish, the adventures continued. Jules and his brother Caswell explored the entire facility, completely closed for just their family all night, including digging for fossils, holding a variety of exotic animals and learning all about different species from past and present.
His prehistoric fun culminated with the highlight of the night, when Jules came face-to-face with an exact replica of a dinosaur named SUE – a dinosaur Jules
had done much research on – the largest and most complete tyrannosaurus skeleton ever found! SUE even joined Jules and his family as they dined like celebrities for a dinner featuring Jules’ favorite dishes.
Jules’ wish came as a welcome respite and opportunity to turn the page from the realities that come with a critical and life-threatening illness. It is now a memory that will live forever in the hearts of his entire family, especially as they celebrate the future scientist that has finally been declared cancer free.