Sebastian walking a llama

Wish Granted: Sebastian Spends the Day with a Llama

Sebastian meets the llamas

It was a still, misty afternoon when 7-year-old Sebastian came bounding joyfully through the field at the farm, his younger brother not far behind. His moment was finally here, the moment he had been waiting for since learning his wish would soon come true. Sebastian was ready to meet a llama!

Sebastian meets Mr. Silver, the llama

“Simply put, he loves llamas,” said his mom, Liz. “It may sound like a simple request, but to Sebastian, it was everything he could have dreamed about.”

Sebastian lives on a small farm, so he knows the hard work that goes into caring for farm animals. He was enthusiastically ready to be tasked with caring for his llama, Mr. Silver, on the day of his wish. When Sebastian arrived, he greeted Mr. Silver with a tight squeeze and took his lead rope to walk him through the wet grass. The farmer, helping with this very personalized experience, was hit with many questions from Sebastian as they walked the trails, something not typical for this quiet boy.

“He has always been shy, but I think the entire experience gifted him with confidence because he was in his element,” said Liz. “It was awesome to see him come out of his shell and interact with new people.”

Sebastian walking a llama
Sebastian walking Mr. Silver, the llama

Liz shared that Sebastian, who lives with Duchenne muscular dystrophy, has muscle pain when he is on his feet for too long. She says his condition causes him to struggle through intense leg pain and weakness, which impacts his personality and mood. But, on his wish day, they walked for more than a mile, up and down hills, and there was not one complaint.

“You couldn’t keep the smile off his face, that’s for sure! Not only did we feed the llamas, but we also took them through obstacle courses in the woods and we even picked dirt out of their feet!”

Sebastian will ultimately be reliant on a wheelchair, so having this moment together as family, where he ran wildly through the fields without a care in the world with his new friend, Mr. Silver, meant everything. Liz says she tries not to focus on the future of her son’s illness, but rather soaking in the special moments of each new day.

“We seize every moment with Sebastian. We will remember his wish day for a lifetime. It was a day he was completely free from all worry. He was just Sebastian – our animal loving boy.”
Liz, Sebastian's mom