Wish Kid Kai at piano

Kai's Music Helped Him See Through The Darkness

Wish Kid Kai's parents and Kai

For Kari and Victor, their journey to parenthood was a long and difficult one. But when Kaiyin (Kai), their “long awaited child” was born, he was loved immensely.

Growing up in Panama, his family noticed that though he was reaching major milestones like crawling and walking at a normal pace, other aspects of his development sparked concern. There was a rigidity to the way he moved, and apart from some sporadic utterances, his speech was limited.

Kai was diagnosed with Pervasive Developmental Disorder, yet he excelled academically. When he was just two years old, he was placed in a Gifted Reading Program. “He enjoys life and has a hunger for learning,” said his mother, Kari.

But his parents quickly realized that his talents extended far beyond the classroom.

“When Kai got his first toy piano, we noticed he had a gift for music,” said Victor. “He could hear a song once or twice and play it back."

Wish Kid Kai in Wheelchair

Music became Kai’s love, his outlet of expression. But in 2018, the family’s world was flipped upside down.

Kai’s health took a turn. He was brought to the ER with severe vomiting. A few months later, he began having severe neck pain, and what was misdiagnosed as a gastrointestinal disorder and a neck muscle spasm eventually surfaced as a tumor.

Kai needed immediate surgery for a shunt placement and brain tumor resection, and was forced to stay in the hospital for a month. His family decided though, to move back to the United States to continue treatment.

“Thirty-three sessions of radiation, a shunt revision, medical-focused physical, occupational, and speech therapy, and antibody infusions,” recalled Kari. “The combined treatments in Panama and New York took an unimaginable toll on his body.”

Wish Kid Kai

But Kai persisted. His family calls him their superstar - full of love, light, and potential. They attribute his music as the reason he was able to distract himself from the pain and see through the darkness. “Given the opportunity to overcome the challenges placed in his path, he can accomplish great things and be an inspiration to many others,” his mom said.

But for his wish, Kai chose to connect with his inspiration. He wanted to meet the R&B soul singer whose piano tunes he was humming before he could even speak.

The two met virtually, spending time learning about each other, laughing, and sharing their love of music. Having the opportunity to play her songs for her, as well as some of his original compositions, at only age 8 is something he’ll certainly never forget. 

In turn, the singer showered Kai with gifts and advice to provide him with musical inspiration to last a lifetime. After his wish, he was simply beaming. 

We can’t wait to hear the music he’ll make!

Wish Kid Kai at keyboard