Eileen Newman and Coworkers

Eileen Newman: Driving Change

“I think a strong woman is somebody who has a belief system that she's very committed to, and that she lives her life out of.”
Eileen Newman
Wish Granting Volunteer & Bronx Community
Eileen Newman

Eileen certainly centers her belief system around driving change. With so many causes she loves in the Bronx community, she finds it best to make her impact by equipping nonprofit leaders with the tools they need to succeed. She dedicates her career to figuring out a way to make things better for the people who are trying to make things better, for people with massive struggles.

Her work at the Center for Bronx Nonprofits at Hostos Community College does just that.

“At any given day, we'll be talking to people who are working with young people, people who are in the healthcare industry, doing social service work, people working with the homeless... so it's very hard to pick and say, this is the one that matters more than anything. They all matter.” she said.

However, there was a moment where the struggles of children with critical illnesses stood out to Eileen, and pushed her to do more.

She met with the family of Naomi, a 3-year-old with a heart condition, on one of her wish discovery visits. The strength of this little girl was beyond belief, but it was her mother who left a particular impact on Eileen.

“She was a young mother, and she was so strong and so extraordinary,” Eileen said.

Due to hospital availability, Naomi had to have her heart transplant operation far from their home.

“This woman was either not able to see her daughter every day, or going to extraordinary lengths to see her,” Eileen said. “People don't know what strength these families need just to go on.”

Touched by Naomi’s story, Eileen continues to dedicate her time to Make-A-Wish as a Wish Granting Volunteer. She amplifies her impact by working to expand the volunteer base out in the Bronx, an area where we historically struggle to find volunteers, as a member of the Bronx Community Council. It’s something she’s passionate about, not only because the need is so great, but because “the people who are doing the work are so extraordinary.”

With many nonprofits emerging from the pandemic more strongly committed to their missions than ever before, we look forward to seeing how Eileen will support them, along with our wish kids, through their new journeys that lie ahead.