Harriet Roberston

Harriet Robertson - Mother. Leader. Advocate. Entrepreneur. Giver. 

Harriet Robertson was away on a business trip when she was first introduced to Make-A-Wish, but to put it in her words, “It was only a matter of time before I caught the bug.

Since then, Harriet has supported wishes in more ways than one, becoming a Wish Granting Volunteer and a member of our Brooklyn Community Council. Despite only being involved with Make-A-Wish for three years, she has made quite the impact. Not only has she actively worked to expand the number of volunteers in the Brooklyn neighborhood, but she recently signed on to be a ‘Wish Hero’ and fundraise throughout April to make even more wishes possible.

Harriet’s success can be largely attributed to how much she believes in the power of connection. It’s part of what she loves about being part of the Brooklyn Community Council - everyone brings something different to the table. Despite her extensive knowledge after 30+ years in real-estate Harriet believes “It’s not what you know, it’s who you know.” She went on, “And if you don’t know somebody, you know somebody who knows somebody— It’s a chain.”

It takes a village to grant a wish, and Harriet knows that her network and the network of her community play an essential part in that. It’s one way she’s been able to build support for wishes in Brooklyn and ensure they come true for kids in her community.

Despite her modest description of herself, Harriet can command the attention of any room, always with a smile on her face. Her infectious joy is something she’s known for – and it’s something she brings to every wish or event.

“You never lose anything when you give.”
Harriet Roberston

Harriet’s personal motto is, “You never lose anything when you give.” And, she certainly gives. When she isn’t working on her business or helping out our wish kids, Harriet fills her time serving homeless and battered women, a cause she’s passionate about.

She has had an extensive history of showing up for her community, so it’s no surprise that her community showed up for her when she faced some recent health struggles. Her own experience in hospitals and battling cancer has only further motivated her to serve our wish kids.

That’s why when she was asked to give advice to someone who wants to start giving back, she said, “When you decide to help, let it be something that you truly, truly want to do and then do it. Because my time always get away from me, but I always get to those things.”

Given the many cities and states that Harriet has traveled to and lived in, we are certainly grateful that she has decided to put her roots down here in Brooklyn.