Girl in bed looking at blue star-shaped enamel pin

Join the Movement & Show Your Support with Our Star Pin

Make-A-Wish Invites You to Join the Movement!

Support Our 40th Anniversary & World Wish Day

The Make-A-Wish 40th Anniversary kick­s off on World Wish Day (April 29), the anniversary of the wish that inspired the creation of Make-A-Wish back in 1980.

By supporting Make-A-Wish by wearing your glow-in-the-dark star pin (or digital star pin in Facebook/Instagram stories), you can be a light of hope for a child fighting a critical illness in your community today. 

Choose Your Star Pin

Blue enamel star-shaped pin on denim pocket

Wear a Star Pin

Support Make-A-Wish with this glow-in-the-dark pin and help us make the stars align so that every wish comes true.

Digital Star Pin

Share a Star Pin

Add our digital star pin to your Social Story (search @makeawish in sticker library) and be a light of hope for wish kids.

It’s easy as WEAR, SHARE, CARE!

icon star 2


Take a video/photo wearing your star pin prominently in support of granting every wish.

Step 2


Upload your pin video/photo to your social media (copy below).

Step 1


Encourage your friends, family and fans to join the movement by donating at

Suggested Social Copy

Post Date: April 29 (World Wish Day)

Facebook & Twitter
Today is #WorldWishDay and I’m wearing a star pin to support @MakeAWish and honor their 40th Anniversary! 🌟 Right now, more #WishesAreWaiting than ever before and those wishes need stars like you. To learn more about how you can help make every wish come true, visit 

Today is #WorldWishDay and I’m wearing a star pin to support @MakeAWishAmerica and honor their 40th Anniversary! 🌟 Right now, more #WishesAreWaiting than ever before and those wishes need stars like you. To learn more about how you can help make every wish come true, visit

Post Date: April 30 and Beyond

Facebook & Twitter
I’m wearing a star pin to support @MakeAWish and honor their 40th Anniversary! 🌟 Right now, more #WishesAreWaiting than ever before and those wishes need stars like you. To learn more about how you can help make every wish come true, visit

I’m wearing a star pin to support @MakeAWishAmerica and honor their 40th Anniversary! 🌟 Right now, more #WishesAreWaiting than ever before and those wishes need stars like you. To learn more about how you can help make every wish come true, visit