Planned Giving

Planned Giving

Create a legacy that will impact wish kids for years to come. By including the Make-A-Wish Foundation® of the Mid-South in your estate plans, you can provide the resources necessary to grant inspiring wishes for children now and in the future.  

A deferred gift to the Make-A-Wish Foundation® of Mid-South ensures that your support will fund the wishes of children in perpetuity. By doing so, not only do you help make wishes come true, but you may shield a significant portion of your estate from estate taxes (please contact your tax advisor or attorney) and, in some cases, receive an immediate tax deduction. 

Add a bequest 
Adding a bequest to your will or living trust can be as simple as adding a single sentence. Here's our preferred bequest language; take this to your attorney to use as a starting point. Contact us if you have any questions! 

I give the sum of $___ or ___% to the   Make-A-Wish Foundation® of the Mid-South, 1780 Moriah Woods Blvd. Suite 10, Memphis, TN 38117 (tax id: 62-1253153)   to be used or disposed of as the Board of Directors deems appropriate in its sole discretion. 

Have you named Make-A-Wish Mid-South? Let us know! 



Wish kid Javyn

Ensure your legacy lives on through wishes with a legacy gift.