Wishmakers on Campus

KFWK Students Colorado

Wishmakers on Campus is a customizable fundraising program that empowers the collegiate community in New Jersey to help fund life-changing wishes for local children fighting critical illnesses.

Inspiring college students to have an impact right in our community, the Wishmakers on Campus program provides colleges and universities the opportunity to engage in philanthropy and service activities in partnership with Make-A-Wish New Jersey. The program invites you and your on-campus organization, such as student government, athletic teams and Greek life organizations, to help grant life-changing wishes.

Every year, college students just like you make a difference in the lives of children living with critical illnesses. By participating in our Wishmakers on Campus program, students are helping Make-A-Wish New Jersey get one step closer to granting the wish of every eligible child throughout the Garden State.

From Wish Week to online fundraising to talent shows and more, there are many ways your college organization can come together this year to help make life-changing wishes come true for kids with critical illnesses. The fundraising possibilities are endless!

Through the program, your group can:

  • Increase awareness of the Make-A-Wish mission
  • Foster the value of community service, volunteerism and philanthropy
  • Enhance leadership and entrepreneurship experience, money management skills and resume building
  • Build school spirit through hands-on fundraising experience to see first-hand how you can impact a child’s life
  • Sponsor wishes for wish kids in your community through our Adopt-A-Wish program
  • Build relationships and broaden your network community
  • Experience the joy of helping a child with a critical illness!

The program includes fundraising ideas and objectives to simplify the planning process. Your group simply adds your own creative touch to existing ideas or create a project of your own. Already in the process of planning an event in support of Make-A-Wish New Jersey? Be sure to contact our office today for event approval.

Join Our Mission

To get involved and bring hope to wish kids in your community, contact Gabrielle Heverin at gheverin@nj.wish.org or call our office at (609) 371-WISH (9474) to get started.

Project Ideas

Wish Week

With a week full of fun, you can plan different activities each day or coordinate two or three fundraisers during the week. You can even combine existing school events, such as homecoming or spirit week. It’s totally customizable!


Host a danceathon, walkathon, readathon or any other type of 'thon! Encourage your friends and family to make general donations and/or pledges for each minute they dance, lap they walk/run, minute they read, etc.

Get Sporty

Coordinate a sports tournament or event, and raise funds via registration fees, admission, concessions or contests. Student vs. teacher, faculty vs. administration or face off with a rival group – the format is up to you.

Plan A Party

Host a Halloween, end-of-semester, Valentine's Day, Mardi Gras or St. Patrick's Day party. Ask each student to make a $3 or $5 donation at the door.

Host A Concert

Contact a popular local band and plan a concert. Hold it on campus or at a local venue that will donate the cover charge to Make-A-Wish New Jersey.

Get Crafty

Students can create artwork to sell. Whether it’s painting, drawing, sculpture, ceramics, or photography-the possibilities are endless. Host an Open House or an Evening of Art event for the community to purchase the artwork.

Put On A Show

Lights, camera, action! Host a talent show, fashion show, comedy show, art show, concert—anything goes. Participants can also send in video submissions if needed. Raise funds through donations that count as votes, general donations, special contests

Sell It

Sales fundraisers are a win-win for everyone! Create your own or choose from some of these sales: bake, garage, cookbook, candy grams, holiday gift baskets, finals “survival” kits, flowers, etc.

Custom Fundraising Ideas

Have a unique idea that works for your school? Bring it to life and help to make wishes come true.