Kids For Wish Kids

Your Passion Can Transform Lives
Kids For Wish Kids® is a unique program managed by kids, for kids.
Inspiring kids, just like you, can have an impact right here in our community. The Kids For Wish Kids program engages students, schools and youth organizations in philanthropy and service activities in partnership with Make-A-Wish® Michigan. The program encourages community service, leadership, volunteerism and teamwork. It builds team spirit and gives students hands-on experience fundraising to help create life-changing wishes for kids fighting critical illnesses.
Kids For Wish Kids puts kids in charge. They take the lead to brainstorm fundraising ideas, create action plans and manage everything from start to finish. Students can even combine their efforts for existing school events, such as spirit week or field day.
Fundraising Ideas
Wish Week
A week full of fun in support of Make-A-Wish! Wish Week can even be combined with existing school events, such as homecoming or spirit week. It’s totally customizable!
Host a danceathon, walkathon, readathon or any other type of 'thon you can think of! Participants gather general donations and/or pledges for each minute they dance, lap they walk or minute they read.
Stream For The Wishes
With Stream For The Wishes, gamers can do what they love and fundraise for wishes. Check out our toolkit, guidelines and resources to get started with your own charity stream.
Play Dress Up (Or Down)
Who doesn’t love to dress up (or down)? Participants donate to dress up in some way or dress down in casual clothes if your school/group has a uniform or dress code.
Sell It
Sales fundraisers are a “win-win” for everyone! Sell flowers, baked goods, t-shirts, candy grams or wristbands or create your own.
Wish Wall
Sell Make-A-Wish paper stars for donations of $1 (or more) and hang them around the building, creating a “Wish Wall” in a high-traffic area for everyone to see.
Got Change?
Give everyone a meaningful way to get rid of all that spare change they’ve been holding on to! There are many variations, from penny stalls to penny wars or money week.
Miracle Minute
During an assembly, pep rally, sporting event or other activity, set the clock on the scoreboard or use a timer for one minute and pass donation buckets through the stands.
Custom Fundraising Ideas
Have a unique idea that works for your school? Bring it to life and help to make wishes come true.