
Join a caring community of volunteers who transform lives. Together, we can make countless wishes come true.
Your time and unique talents are critical to bringing strength and hope to wish kids when they need it the most. In fact, our volunteers are at the heart of every wish experience.
Make-A-Wish volunteers consider their work impactful and meaningful. And, their efforts are rewarded—not in dollars or cents, but in the incredible difference they make in the lives of our wish kids. Volunteers even have the freedom to choose when and how they would like to help transform lives in our community.
We understand that you want to volunteer but might not know where your skills and talents best lie. Check out our volunteer roles and see where you can best help make wishes come true.
Meet and welcome wish families at the airport. Help make families comfortable as they begin their wish experience.
Represent Make-A-Wish at various community events to share information about our mission.
Celebrity Host Volunteer
When a child wishes to meet a celebrity, a Celebrity Host serves as a liaison between the wish family, Make-A-Wish, and the celebrity by accompanying the family during the wish experience and handling of day-of-wish details.
Help us create posters, write letters to wish kids, and complete other specific needs while fulfilling community service requirements. Junior volunteers under the age of 13 must be accompanied by a parent for volunteer assignments at The Wishing Place.
Please reach out to our Volunteer Coordinator directly if you are interested in this position: volunteers@snv.wish.org.
Assist with various projects at our chapter office, including phone calls, mailings and research.
Work on event committees, help on event day, and participate in the event.
Help facilitate wish experiences for non-English-speaking families. Translators attend wish discoveries and make phone calls, communicating with wish families through the process. We have a high need for Spanish-speaking volunteers.
Introduce new wish families to the Make-A-Wish mission and wish granting process during 30-minute orientation calls with a wish kid’s legal guardians.
Work directly with wish coordinators to plan, enhance, create, and host wish reveals for wish kids to build excitement leading up to their wish.
Meet with wish kids and their families to help determine their heartfelt wishes, and then work with our staff to begin the wish granting process.
Use your professional skills, network of connections and special knowledge on an as-needed basis to help fulfill special wish kid requests and make wishes come true.
Using details about the wish child, their medical journey, and their “why” of the wish, put the impact of a wish into words by writing their story. Wish stories are used within our community for donation requests, PR, and more.
At every level of the organization, volunteers are critical to the mission. Get started today and soon you can bring hope and joy to local children with critical illnesses as a Make-A-Wish volunteer.
Fill out the application: Complete the online volunteer application. This is used as a preliminary screening tool, and incomplete applications will not be considered.
Attend a volunteer orientation: Learn about our mission to grant wishes for children with critical illnesses and more about the many ways you can help. Orientations are held monthly, and you must attend before serving our organization. SIGN UP for orientation to learn more!
Complete a background check: To ensure the safety of our wish kids, you will be asked to complete a criminal background check. The cost is roughly $30 and is covered by the volunteer applicant.
Welcome! You are officially now a volunteer for Make-A-Wish Nevada! You can now sign up for volunteer opportunities and additional training via CERVIS, our online system. You will be an integral part of delivering our mission forward.
We are committed to doing everything we can - together - to bring hope to our Las Vegas community. The health and safety of our wish kids, their families, our volunteers, and our team is our top priority. Please be advised, we require our volunteers to strictly follow CDC guidelines as well as state and local mandates when representing our organization.