Wish Granter Training

Volunteer Orientations and Trainings

Volunteer Orientations

The new volunteer orientation helps you better understand our history, who we are as an organization, how we started and go over in detail the different volunteer roles we offer. 

Volunteer orientations occur on the second Tuesday and the last Thursday of every month, from 5 to 6 p.m. Before registering for a volunteer orientation, you must create an account in our online volunteer portal. 

Volunteer Trainings

The Wish Discovery and Wish Boost positions are specialized roles that require specific training on how to interact directly with our wish kids and families. 


  • Create volunteer account in the Wish & Volunteer Center Portal
  • Register and attend a 1-hour volunteer orientation
  • Schedule and complete a volunteer interview (virtual)
  • Successfully complete volunteer background check

    Trainings take place the second Saturday of every month and are conducted by a member of the Community Engagement Team

Contact the volunteer department directly:

Taylor Loomis
Senior Manager of Community Engagement
(602) 428-6674

Nicole Waldmann
Community Engagement Manager
(602) 343-9441 (Ext. 1441)

Briana Enriquez
Community Engagement Coordinator
(520) 355-5909


Are you interested in becoming a Make-A-Wish Arizona volunteer? Complete our Volunteer Interest Form below!

Helpful Resources


Current Volunteer Opportunities

Volunteers of the Month: Jessica Hajjar & Krizia Ayoub

Meet our Volunteers

Event volunteers

How to Get Started