The Equity Fund
Make-A-Wish Mid-Atlantic created the Equity Fund to fully support the chapter's Diversity, Equity and Inclusion initiatives. Under the direction of the Board of Trustee's DEI Committee, the Equity Fund provides much-needed resources in three distinct areas: staff development, volunteer training and the wish journey for wish kids.

The Equity Fund provides financial resources for staff professional development organized by the chapter DEI Council comprised of cross-departmental staff. Trainings and information sessions, led by staff and external DEI thought-leaders and experts, provide opportunities for staff to promote awareness and understanding to ensure a cohesive working environment. Furthermore, the DEI trainings help ensure the chapter staff are delivering the mission in an equitable and inclusive way.
The Equity Fund supports volunteer trainings for volunteer leaders such as the Board of Trustees and Leadership Council, as well as Wish Granting Volunteers. The training sessions for leadership ensure the chapter is holistically diverse, equitable and inclusive. The training sessions for the Wish Grant Volunteers ensure the wish journey for wish kids is managed equitably and inclusively.
Finally, the Equity Fund provides resources to ensure the integrity of the wish experience by removing barriers between a child and their chosen wish due to socioeconomic, language or situational factors. For example, the Equity Fund may be used to:
- Give a wish child a laptop so they can easily access the internet to fulfill their wish for an online shopping spree—and acquire a new technology resource for their entire family to use and enjoy in the future;
- Gift a full set of luggage for a family traveling for the first time;
- Reimburse a parent for lost wages to allow them to participate in their child’s wish experience; and/or
- Provide interpretation services to support non-English speaking families during travel wishes so they can enjoy their time together to the fullest.
To learn more about how you can support The Equity Fund, contact Melissa Prather, Chief Revenue Officer, at