Make-A-Wish New Jersey Continues To Delivery Hope, Strength & Joy Amidst Uncertain Times

Ten-Year-Old Camden Girl Celebrates Summer with Brand New Dual-Seated Bicycle

Make-A-Wish New Jersey recently granted a life-changing wish for a South Jersey child battling a life-threatening medical condition. Ten-year-old Yanielees, diagnosed with a nervous system disorder, loves to play with her brother and watch him ride around on his bike. Due to her medical condition, Yanielees is unable to ride a standard bike. When she was asked the life-changing question that all Make-A-Wish kids are asked - “if you could have one wish, what would it be?” - she wished to have a Side-By-Side Team Dual Trike, a bike with two seats so her mother or another companion could assist her with.

“We wished for her to have a bicycle that she could mount safely and securely so she could enjoy it just like every other child her age alongside her brother, and with me too,” her mom Zuhey shared. “She is so happy every time she gets on it. Whenever we tell her, “let’s go outside, let’s go play,” the emotion on her face is something that is indescribable. It is an immense happiness whenever she is on that bicycle; her laughter, her emotion at being able to finally ride a bike, like she had previously watched others do, as she had always wanted to do.”

Yanielees has  been able to enjoy the freedoms her new bike has provided her during the summer of 2020, a summer that has been far from normal for children everywhere, especially those with life-threatening medical conditions. With her new bike, she has created countless moments of joy and happiness that otherwise would not have been possible.

"A million thanks to Make-A-Wish, a million thanks to everyone that made this possible, including her social worker who referred us to the organization. Thank you so much to everyone that said “yes” and those who helped us with this wish.”

For four decades, Make-A-Wish has created life-changing wishes for children with critical illnesses around the world, just like Yanielees. Since April 1980, Make-A-Wish has created life-changing wishes for over 330,000 children in the United States and its territories, and over 500,000 wishes worldwide.

Make-A-Wish New Jersey was founded in 1983 and has granted more than 11,000 wishes to children in every county, town and municipality of the Garden State. Now more than ever, Make-A-Wish New Jersey relies on the support of a loyal and generous community in the Garden State to help continue their mission in the future. During these difficult times, Make-A-Wish faces new challenges. While wishes like Yanielees’ continue to be granted during the ongoing pandemic, many other wishes that are travel-related wishes or involve large gatherings have been postponed for the well-being of wish kids and families, due to current medical and public concerns. But the organization remains steadfast in its mission and reaffirms to the community and most importantly to wish families – wishes are not cancelled.

On average, two families in the Garden State receive test results each day that tell them their child has been diagnosed with a life-threatening illness that would qualify them for the Make-A-Wish mission. The number of wishes to be granted continues to grow, but Make-A-Wish New Jersey recognizes and celebrates that they are surrounded by a community of generous and loyal supporters – a community that has come through for them in the past, and they are confident will be there for them once again.

For more information about Make-A-Wish New Jersey and how you can play a key role in creating hope for the future for kids like Yanielees, visit