One Local Family – Two Wishes Granted

Make-A-Wish® New Jersey Brings Continued Smiles To Twins Amidst Unprecedented Pandemic

Three-year-old twins Luciano and Noah were born in 2016 with significantly low platelet counts. While doctors raced to determine the cause, the first few months of life for these West Orange, New Jersey brothers saw them endure multiple transfusions to fight the likelihood of either of the infants bleeding out.

“For three months, we didn’t know what it was,” their mother Edna shared.

Luciano and Noah were eventually diagnosed with a rare genetic disorder known as Wiskott Aldrich syndrome. The diagnosis would bring the family down a scary, unknown path leading both children to receive bone marrow transplants and face additional health challenges including daily medications, chemotherapy and G-tubes for feeding.

“Luciano got very sick and we had to increase his IV steroids due to his illness,” Edna reflected. “It weakened his muscles to a point where he could no longer walk on his own.”

While the brothers were in treatment at Hackensack University Medical Center, one of their social workers introduced the family to Make-A-Wish New Jersey, whose mission is to create life-changing wishes for children with critical illnesses.

With that simple introduction, last year, both brothers’ individual wishes were granted. For Luciano, the wish of lifetime would come in the form of a playset in their family’s backyard. For Noah, it was a trip to the most magical place on earth, the Walt Disney World® Resort.

Running around and playing outside with his twin brother, Luciano’s playset immediately gave him the joy and imaginative freedom he otherwise could not experience.

“Luciano was having a harder time than Noah,” Edna shared. “He was immune-compromised, and so he could not visit public playgrounds for fear of germs from other kids. It was really difficult.”

Luciano’s wish for a playset brought immediate hope, strength and joy to their entire family.

“It was the first time in a long time I felt like I saw my two children being normal siblings again,” Edna continued. “Noah also encourages Luciano. He helps him. Seeing them smile, play, have fun…and we have this for them to share forever.”

A few months later, Noah’s wish to go to Walt Disney World in Florida would be granted, which would serve as a weeklong respite for not only Noah, but the entire family.

The trip to Florida was more than just a simple vacation – it was a chance for their entire family to get away from the treatments, the checkups, the medical protocols and the constant stress that had consumed them for the past three years.

“Every day on our trip, we had somewhere exciting to go, or something exciting to do,” Edna continued. “Just watching them have fun and be kids again was so special.”

Luciano made great strides while on his brother’s wish trip, too. Edna credits Luciano’s growing courage to the memories created on their trip to Walt Disney World.

“Luciano had a hard time with water ever since his port was put in,” Edna shared. “He was afraid to enter any type of water. But during our trip, he went right into the pools with no problem! He seemed motivated to try new things.”

Almost a year since it was delivered, Luciano and Noah continue to find a sense of energy and joy as they explore the playset together. Luciano’s wish for a playset has become even more significant right now, as the family like many others, find themselves in the midst of navigating the COVID-19 pandemic. With both boys battling immune deficiencies, the family must remain extra vigilant and remain at home as often as possible, for fear of contracting any type of illness.

“We try not to go out other than to the clinic, which is now monthly,” Edna shared. “It has always been hard for us with other viruses, and now it’s even harder.”

“It’s scary,” she continued, reflecting on their daily routines. “We don’t know who or what’s been infected, the mail, the food from the supermarket. There is no vaccine, and Luciano is unable to get vaccines. My mother works at a supermarket and when she comes home, the boys want to go downstairs to see her, but they can’t.”

With all the uncertainty around them, the playset in the backyard continues to be a beacon of joy for the twins and provides a sense of normalcy and safety amidst a very abnormal spring and approaching summer.

“Watching them enjoy the playset together is incredible,” Edna continued. “They love the tunnel! And Luciano is doing great. He’s crawling now, he is much stronger, climbing on his own, going down the slide. He has lost much of his sense of fear. He’s trying new things – he sees Noah doing more and more, and he wants to follow him. He’s eating more on his own, too!”

“We cannot take our kids out and expose them to new things,” Edna continued, “but what Make-A-Wish says is true. Wishes are life-changing! This playset has been life-changing!”

Now more than ever, Make-A-Wish New Jersey is relying on the support of their loyal and generous community in the Garden State. During these difficult times, Make-A-Wish faces new challenges. Due to current medical and public health concerns, travel-related wishes and wishes that involve large gatherings have been postponed for the well-being of wish kids and families. An estimated 30 wishes per day are postponed on a national scale. But the organization remains steadfast in its mission and reaffirms to the community and most importantly to wish families – wishes are not cancelled.

Make-A-Wish New Jersey has granted over 11,000 wishes since its inception in 1983. For more information about Make-A-Wish New Jersey and how you can play a key role in creating hope for the future, visit