I wish for a backyard playset



respiratory disorder

Colbee's Backyard Playset Wish

Colbee's Backyard Playset Wish

For many six-year-old kids, May means sunshine and warm weather for playing outdoors. It means approaching the end of school, and a world of adventure waiting to happen. After his respiratory disorder diagnosis, however, everything looked a lot different for Colbee and his family. Critical illness touches every aspect of a person’s life. For a child especially, treatment and hospital visits take up precious time meant for making memories. But this spring, Colbee and Make-A-Wish New Hampshire were intent on taking some of that time back. What better way to do it than with a brand-new playset? Colbee and his wish

For many six-year-old kids, May means sunshine and warm weather for playing outdoors. It means approaching the end of school, and a world of adventure waiting to happen. After his respiratory disorder diagnosis, however, everything looked a lot different for Colbee and his family. Critical illness touches every aspect of a person’s life. For a child especially, treatment and hospital visits take up precious time meant for making memories. But this spring, Colbee and Make-A-Wish New Hampshire were intent on taking some of that time back. What better way to do it than with a brand-new playset?

Colbee and his wish granters were an unstoppable team when putting his wish vision together. After some planning and a lot of generosity, the final product was better than anybody could have imagined. Nestled in his backyard, Colbee’s playset was a wonder of four different kinds of swings, a slide, and a climbing wall. Bright flags adorned the top of the structure, fluttering in the breeze—though none were brighter than Colbee’s smile when his wish was revealed. He wasted no time before exploring the structure with his sister Aubree, endless joy blooming on both of their faces.

At the end of the day, this playset was far more than wood, plastic and fabric. For Colbee and his family, it was a space away from the challenging reality of his respiratory disorder. As Colbee climbed the rainbow holds on his climbing wall, one could see the same perseverance he’s had in traversing the trials of his diagnosis. In his entire wish journey, one could see Colbee step back into the childhood his illness had altered. Make-A-Wish New Hampshire is beyond grateful for the support of its community in making wishes like Colbee’s possible—in helping to bring our wish kids new strength and hope in amid growing up with a critical illness.