Young Professionals Program Members

Young Professionals Program

The Young Professionals Program is a community of individuals who give generously to support wish kids in their battle with critical illnesses. A wish is essential to help a child replace fear today with confidence and optimism for their future.

YPP Member

Members have a collective goal: to work with like-minded professionals to give back while enjoying the opportunity to network, socialize, volunteer and have a fantastic time, all for a great cause!

The Young Professionals Program is led by the Junior Board of the chapter and works to raise funds and serve as advocacy arm on behalf of Wish Kids. Members pledge a contribution of $100/month. (This can be done personally or through company matching support too!)

Benefits for Members of the Young Professionals Program:

  • Advanced invites to all upcoming special events at Make-A-Wish

  • Professional networking and socializing events with YPP and Junior Board Members

  • Invitations to inspiring talks lead by Make-A-Wish Leadership on topics related to philanthropy and leadership

  • Opportunity to be a part of an annual Junior Board meeting

  • Advanced notice of Wish Granting Training workshops throughout the year

  • Become a part of a community of like-minded individuals

  • Alignment with one of the most highly recognized and rated charity brands in the country

Interested in becoming a member of the Young Professionals Program? Have questions you'd like to ask? Simply reach out to Caroline Ver Planck at or 646-558-5562.