Teddy Bear looking out window

Tonyka's Journey Home

In a year when we all felt isolated, Tonyka was even more isolated than most. Due to the complicated nature of her nervous system disorder, she resides primarily at Elizabeth Seton Children’s Center. Since the onset of the pandemic, Tonyka’s precious family time has been restricted to FaceTimes and visits from behind a fence.

“The distance and not being able to physically touch your child, it definitely takes a toll on the kids and their family” said Caitlyn, her occupational therapist.

Wish Kid Tonyka with Care Team

But having her wish come true gives her something to look forward to.

Tonyka didn’t hesitate to use her wish for she loves most quality time with her family. She had no idea how much a wish for a room renovation would change not only her life, but the lives of her extensive support system.

Because of her living situation, time at home for long weekends and holidays means everything to Tonyka. But, this time at home has its complications. Although her parents and sisters gladly take on the burden of maneuvering a bulky crank hoist and a manual medical bed, Tonyka’s care team knew that equipment upgrades would be invaluable to the family.

At Seton, Tonyka is used to moving about with ease for classes, therapy, and music lessons. But at home, she is often confined to the four walls of her bedroom, a nightmare for a dynamic child like Tonyka. As experts of her care routine, her physical and occupational therapists dived in to help us grant her wish and ensure the space met her safety needs and helped her functionality.

Putting Tonyka’s needs first, her therapists found a collapsible automatic lift system to alleviate the stress of in-home activities, and to increase her access to her Bronx community. This new tool “takes the work out of it,” to “just let them enjoy time with her,” said her care team.

When Sizewise, one of Seton’s medical equipment suppliers, heard of the impact the lift would have for Tonyka’s family, they generously offered to donate the automatic bed completely.

It’s no exaggeration to say that it takes a village to grant a wish, and Tonyka’s wish was no different. Members of her community have worked to ensure her wish will give her more comfort, more joy, more freedom and more access to the family that she loves. That community continues to be the unsung heroes of her journey.

Tonyka’s care team has seen firsthand how important hope can be for a child who is isolated and struggling with illness. Like Make-A-Wish, people often have the misconception that the work of a pediatric nursing home is sad by nature. “In reality, there’s a lot more joy than sadness,” Abbie, Tonyka’s physical therapist, said. Much of what they do is set in the same realm as a wish – working to bring joy to children and help them heal.

Abbie reminisced that Tonyka’s favorite activity by far has been their annual prom. While getting dolled up each year was certainly fun, Abbie knew that deep down it was her favorite because ultimately it gave her something to look forward to just like her wish.

Although Tonyka has yet to see all of the changes at home, we know that when she does, it will not only be a sweet moment, but one that will change their lives forever.