Wish Kid Jenna and Mom

Side-by-Side Survivors

Wish Kid Jenna and her mother, Krissy, have both fought long and uphill battles. But together, by providing support and optimism for each other, the pair have emerged survivors – stronger than ever.

“I wouldn’t be here right now if it wasn’t for my mom and her encouragement."
Jenna, Wish Kid

Wish Kid Jenna and her mother, Krissy, have both fought long and uphill battles. But together, by providing support and optimism for each other, the pair have emerged survivors – stronger than ever.

Wish Kid Jenna after Cheerleading Accident

Late in middle school, Jenna broke her neck during a cheerleading accident. It was a terrifying moment for their family. But while the injury would have left most quadriplegic, Jenna’s had a silver lining. It led to her doctors finding a notch on her thyroid, which was only the beginning of her medical journey.

Krissy calls the accident a “blessing in disguise.” She was able to see the good, where most people would only see darkness, and be a pillar of strength for her scared daughter— all while battling breast cancer herself.

Wish Kid Jenna in Hospital

Just six months later, Jenna’s medical team discovered a three-pound tumor in her stomach. It was so large, it physically pushed her organs. A year later, Jenna was diagnosed with aggressive thyroid cancer.

Jenna recalls the most damaging impact of her battle was the loss of support from friends and classmates. Due to her treatment plan, Jenna did not lose her hair, and many friends questioned her diagnosis altogether. Many of her friendships faded, but she had her mom to lean on.

“I wouldn’t be here right now if it wasn’t for my mom and her encouragement,” Jenna said. “She really advocated for me, and believed in me.”

Although the physical battle with cancer was horrible, Jenna remembers struggling more with the effects on her mental health, which is where her wish came in.

Wish Kid Jenna and Family in Hawaii

Jenna chose a trip to Hawaii with her family. She had never seen clear ocean water, and wanted more than anything to simply dip her toes into it. During their trip, Jenna happened to cross paths with another wish kid – a young boy also on his wish. Like Jenna, he was also fighting cancer and their bond became quickly unshakeable. During a time when so many people were wrongly questioning how sick Jenna was, he understood her. His friendship came at the perfect point in her life and they still keep in touch.

Today Jenna is in college studying to be a nurse. She and her mom are both cancer-free, but their combined experiences have inspired Jenna to strive to one day be able to work with pediatric oncology patients. 

“I am so proud of her – not only is she a strong woman, she is a survivor,” said Krissy.


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