Noah and his wish

Noah's Wish Lifted His Heart

February is American Heart Month and we are honoring those who live courageously with heart disease.

Noah’s journey began in 2010 when he jumped into the pool at gym class. What appeared to be a normal day for the 10-year-old took a tragic turn.

“I had a heart attack in the pool,” he explained. “My heart came to a complete stop and I died in the pool.”

Noah was pulled from the water by his gym teacher and the school’s resource officer jumped into action, utilizing a defibrillator to jump start his heart. This gave Noah a fighting chance. A firefighter he knew well, who heard the 911 call and was near the school, showed up to provide life-saving treatment by breathing for him on the way to the hospital. Noah credits these three unsung heroes as to why he is here today.

“I was diagnosed with long QT syndrome – a critical heart condition that if left untreated can result in continued heart attacks. I was in the hospital for a week and I remember waking up having no recollection of what happened.”

After that initial and horrific scare, Noah had open heart surgery. That surgery was successful until 2017 when his heart required repair again. Doctors told Noah and his mom that he had a 50/50 chance of surviving the invasive procedure.

“It was extremely risky, but here I am. My mother always says, ‘You are my miracle child.’” Today medication keeps Noah healthy.

Ever since he’s had his license, driving has given him freedom – a sense of control when everything is out of control. Being on the road with the windows down keeps Noah mentally strong. He likes to set out on a journey every day, even if he doesn’t always have a particular destination in mind. His wish was to have his truck detailed – a chance to make his sanctuary as perfect as it could be.

“A truck renovation – it is a total spirit lifter,” Noah said. “When I saw my ‘tricked out’ truck for the first time, I honestly cried, and I don’t cry. It was very emotional for me because I have had so many dark times, and this was a total heart lift for me and my mom. A wish brings light and it brings hope.”

The celebration to reveal Noah’s renovated truck was made extra special by the attendance of some very special guests – the three heroes who saved his life - who were there to stand by his side for the big moment.

“It was the reunion I was always hoping for – one that I will never forget and it was all because of my wish.”

Make-A-Wish and Sunbeam Service Experts were thrilled to joins forces to turn Noah’s imaginative wish into reality. Service Experts has been supporting wishes across the nation, like Noah’s, since 2018.