I wish to see The Northern Lights




Marissa at The Northern Lights

Marissa's Alaskan Adventure - BWF

As 16-year-old Marissa from New Market, MD, was adjusting to a new way life during the COVID-19 pandemic, a different disease was quietly invading her system.

Due to remote learning at the time, Marissa spent hours in her room doing schoolwork or talking to her friends. When her parents noticed her appetite decrease, they assumed she was eating snacks throughout the day or late at night. The intense nosebleeds, fever and swollen face sent Marissa to the hospital. When tests revealed a 10-centimeter tumor in her chest, she was rushed to emergency surgery to remove fluid from her heart and lung. Following complications post-surgery, Marissa received a final diagnosis - cancer.

She faced six cycles of chemotherapy and immunotherapy. “I could just see the fright on Marissa’s face; we were both scared,” her mom, Michelle, said. “Seeing my child in this situation was mortifying, let alone what the next 6 months entailed.” Those months of treatments included a 5-day stay in the hospital hooked to a 24/7 IV, then returning home for 16 days to rest and recover, and repeating the cycle all over again.

Michelle described the beginning of treatment as “torture; we witnessed no life in our child.” Despite suffering from side effects including chest pains that made it difficult to breathe, severe body aches, fatigue, and mouth sores so she couldn’t eat, Marissa found happiness in the little things. “Right after leaving the hospital, she would ask for Chipotle or a McDonald's cheeseburger and fries. It brought me such joy to see her smile when she would say, 'hurry….let's go get my chee-burger!'” recounted Michelle.

Marissa recounted her medical journey, “before and during my treatments, I was completely drained of all energy physically and emotionally. While it was exhausting, I always managed to find the light at the end of the tunnel. I had something to look for at the end of the struggle and was incredibly lucky to find my way to Make-A-Wish Mid-Atlantic.”

Marissa’s wish granters encouraged her to think beyond her condition to identify her one true wish; she landed on a wish to go to Alaska and see The Northern Lights. After being confined inside her house and hospital walls for so long, a trip surrounded by nature’s wonder and beauty would be just what the doctor ordered.

While Marissa was awaiting her wish departure date, Michelle felt a mass in her own body. She was so determined to support her daughter, Michelle's needs took a backseat. When Michelle’s biopsy results came back, it confirmed a cancer diagnosis and a mass the same size as Marissa’s. “So, we’re twinsies,” Marissa told her. “It’s ok mom, if I can do it, you can do it.”

Marissa, Michelle, and dad Scott rallied around each other with support through Michelle's treatment. Make-A-Wish Mid-Atlantic welcomed the family at the 2023 Wish Ball to share their story in the hopes of inspiring others to persevere through life’s hardships. At the end of their speeches, Marissa was surprised with spectacular news – the family would be leaving for Alaska in two weeks! She was stunned as she watched all 700 guests wave glow sticks that emulated The Northern Lights’ colors.

With an itinerary packed full of unique experiences like ice fishing, dog sledding, and of course, a view of the Aurora Borealis, Marissa and her family had a week of pure joy together. “It relieved a large burden and allowed my family to rest after a long two years,” Marissa said.

Now that she’s cancer-free, Marissa is a freshman in college and deciding on her career path. After her unforgettable wish and ability to bond and relax with her family again, she’s looking forward to closing the part of her life as a patient—and starting a new chapter that’s full of strength and optimism.

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