I wish to be a marine biologist



blood disorder

Kailyn with a turtle

Kailyn's wish to help sea animals

When a child with a critical illness is told they qualify for a wish, the child is given permission to dream their biggest dream and hope for brighter days ahead. The limitless possibilities of what a wish could be ignites a wish child’s imagination.

As she considered all her wish options, 14-year-old Kailyn from Beltsville, MD, thought about how her wish could support her future aspirations. As she battles a blood disorder, she wants to be an advocate for research and an inspiration for others. She also has a fascination for sea animals, so she wished to become a marine biologist so she could learn everything possible about that profession.

Kailyn and her family were whisked off to Florida for a week of in-depth marine research and a behind-the-scenes experiences with the wildlife. Her favorite memories of the trip were getting to swim with dolphins at the Dolphin Plus Bayside Sanctuary in Key Largo and getting up close and personal with a sea turtle at the Gumbo Limbo Nature Center in Boca Raton! Kailyn was captivated by the staff at both centers as they explained their procedures for marine life rehabilitation and conservation efforts, as well as best practices on how to care for the animals.

Kailyn’s wish not only brought her family closer together, but it reaffirmed her desire to pursue marine biology. She wants to continue learning about marine veterinarians and knows that one day she will make a difference for underwater animals. Looking back on her fun and educational wish trip will forever be an important part of her career trajectory!

“This trip not only solidified Kailyn’s decision to become a marine life veterinarian, but she now knows about more educational options, locations and resources to help achieve her goals. I am so excited for her next stages in life,” her mom, Monica, said.

Make-A-Wish Mid-Atlantic honors our uniformed services families, with wish kids like Kailyn whose parents are serving or have served in the military.

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