I wish to have a toy poodle puppy



blood disorder


Bryce's Puppy Wish Brings Comfort & Lasting Joy

After bringing baby Bryce home, newborn bliss was replaced with uncertainty as parents Bruce and Adrienne learned that he had a blood disorder.

“We were totally caught off guard,” Adrienne said. “And shortly after, our lives changed.” Extended hospital stays and intense pain management took hold of Bryce’s childhood. The entire family lived their lives based on rules and limitations.

“You try to incorporate moments of positivity and hope, but the outlook was not looking so good for my family,” Adrienne said.

Bryce eventually received a bone marrow transplant from his sister Chloe that changed his world. Finally, 10-year-old Bryce could enjoy activities such as swimming and playing basketball without the fear of hospitalization. However, he had to be homeschooled for a second year. “It became very lonely and depressing for Bryce,” Adrienne said.

What Bryce wanted most was a furry companion–he wished to have a puppy. On his wish day, Bryce’s parents took him to a park where Make-A-Wish® staff and volunteers surprised him with his toy poodle puppy, Bear. In an instant, Bryce’s wish transformed his life, as he embraced Bear and shared the biggest smile.


“That probably had to be one of my best moments,” Bryce said.

“For a child that has gone through so much, it’s so nice when they get a win. And this was Bryce’s win,” Adrienne said. “Because when my son laughs, when my son is happy, we are reminded of the challenge that he’s overcome–and I am forever grateful for the contribution and the gift that we received from Make-A-Wish."

Today, Bryce takes loving care of Bear, and they do everything together.

“Bear’s been a good dog and he really calms me down when certain stuff is going on, and yeah, we’re just best friends,” Bryce said. “Thank you, Make-A-Wish!”