Volunteer Spotlight: Hannah Newman
Hannah Newman’s eyes sparkled as she watched wish kid Emily’s medical team line the hallway at C.S. Mott Children’s Hospital. The crowd erupted into cheers when Emily turned the corner and learned that she was heading to Walt Disney World® Resort.
Serving the Make-A-Wish mission since 2018, Hannah spends her time as a Make-A-Wish volunteer in a variety of roles, including a wish-granting volunteer to 12 kids. Hannah takes joy in volunteering her time at special events, such as Wish Ball, the Wish-A-Mile® Bicycle Tour and Walk for Wishes®. What really drives her heart is connecting with the wish kids by spending her time as a wish granter.
Hannah’s excitement about volunteering encouraged her best friend, Gina, to get involved with the organization. The two friends partner together on wishes, allowing them to spend time together while supporting a cause close to their hearts.
“Gina and I have so much fun granting wishes together for the wish kids,” Hannah said. “Getting the email or phone call that a wish has been approved is one of the most exhilarating feelings because I know how excited the wish kiddo is going to be. All of the kids are so inspiring and resilient despite what they are going through.”
Hannah, who works for Blue Cross Blue Shield of Michigan, feels thankful for all of the people she has crossed paths with through the Make-A-Wish organization.
“Make-A-Wish is an amazing organization that is like a community because it brings people together for one mission,” Hannah explained. “Their mission is to create life-changing wishes for children battling a critical illness and becoming a volunteer to be a part of achieving that mission is one of the greatest decisions I have ever made.”