I wish to have a playset




Wish Kid Sophia and HEBuddy standing in front of Sophia's new playset

Sophia's Wish to have a Playset

On any given day, Sophia could’ve been found at her favorite place - the playground! She loves running and playing on the swings and slides as these activities bring her the most joy! However, with her diagnosis and the restrictions of social distancing, Sophia has not been able to do what she loves the most.

When Sophia was just two years old, she was diagnosed with leukemia. Immediately after, she began a series of treatments that she is still enduring today. “It was an extremely difficult few months for our family, waiting to see how she would respond to the treatment. We spent weeks at a time in the hospital. It was heartbreaking to see her weakened by the treatment and missing out on her childhood,” said Barbara, Sophia’s mom.

Through these difficult and painful times, Sophia has been nothing but optimistic and joyous.

“There were times when seeing her tethered to an IV would bring me to tears, but then she’d make me smile by making me cakes out of playdough. When she was even too weak to stand, she’d demand that we waltz around the hospital room to Sesame Street songs. I even remember rushing to the hospital during the fever spike and hearing her singing in the backseat,” recounts Barbara.

Sophia’s childhood has been overshadowed by her fight against a critical illness. When she found out she was receiving a wish, she had a lot of ideas, but the one that got her most excited was having her very own playground!

Sophia’s wish has brought a sense of normalcy back in her life. Her favorite activity has now become easily accessible to her, lifting her spirits to help fight this laborious battle while simultaneously strengthening her motor skills.

“We haven’t seen our precious girl play on a playground in over a year and a half. She endures so much so willingly. Any time we can see her happy, it reassures us that maybe she isn’t missing out on her childhood after all,” Barbara expresses. “Sophia still has another year of treatment to go, so we know there’s more ahead. This backyard playset has given our family an important shared activity that we lost.”