I wish to have tuition assistance



desmoid fibromatosis

TXGF-Andrea and dean

Andrea's Wish for Tuition Assistance

18-year-old Andrea’s wish for tuition assistance for her first year of college was brought to life on August 16, 2022.

Even while undergoing intensive treatment for cancer, attending college was always a major goal for Andrea, and the motivation for her wish is to ease the financial burden on her family. Her journey has led to her decision to pursue a career in oncology, so she can make a tangible, positive impact on the lives of other kids sharing her battle. During her wish reveal at the Houston Science Center on the University of Houston campus, Andrea was presented with plenty of surprises-- a brand new lab coat and the announcement that she had been selected to their internship program! To top it off, Andrea and her family received a private tour of the university’s Natural Sciences and Mathematics building where she will begin classes next week. THANK YOU Oncology Consultants for making Andrea’s wish unforgettable!