
You Can Make Wishes Come True!

Join a caring community of volunteers who transform lives. Your time and talents are critical to bringing strength and hope to wish kids when they need it the most. 

Make-A-Wish volunteers consider their work impactful and meaningful. Their efforts are rewarded—not in dollars or cents, but in the incredible difference they make in the lives of our wish kids. Volunteers even have the freedom to choose when and how they would like to donate their time. 

More than 600 volunteers assist Make-A-Wish Southern Florida in fulfilling our mission. Volunteers are matched to positions based on ability and interests. Volunteer opportunities vary by geographic area based on need.  

Becoming a Volunteer

Your Make-A-Wish Journey Starts Here!

1. Attend a volunteer information session. Fill out our Volunteer Inquiry Form here to learn about upcoming dates.

2. Fill out an application.

3. Complete a background check. We will submit a request for a background check. This step is required every three years. 

4. It's Official! After you complete all of the above steps, you are a Make-A-Wish volunteer. Please note that some roles, like Wish Granting, require additional training.

We look forward to granting wishes with you!

Volunteer Opportunities 
Wish Granting

Wish Granters, who work in teams of two, are liaisons between a wish family and Make-A-Wish. Wish Granters empower a child to explore possibilities, discovering a wish that emerges from their likes, interests, and passions.

Wish Granters must be at least 21 years old, complete specialized training and continuing education courses, and be able to make 2+ visits to the family during the course of the wish process. Average time commitment is 10-15 hours per wish over 3-6 months, but may vary.

Special Events

Special Event Volunteers represent Make-A-Wish at fundraising and outreach events. Event activities include, but are not limited to, registration, live and silent auction support, raffle sales, photography and spreading awareness of Make-A-Wish and our mission. Available most often on evenings and weekends, hours vary.

Airport Greet

Airport Greeters meet and welcome wish families at the airport and assist them with baggage and locating arranged transportation. Average time commitment is 2-3 hours, days and times vary.  



Undergraduate and graduate student interns collaborate with non-profit professionals and senior leaders on challenging and purposeful projects in a positive team-based work environment. Internships are unpaid, semester-based, and between 12 and 15 hours a week. Visit the Employment & Internships page for more information. 

Volunteer FAQs
What are you looking for in a volunteer?

Volunteers must be dedicated, committed and passionate about our mission. Volunteers must work well in a team environment, and they must be open-minded and flexible in order to meet the needs of the families we serve. Some opportunities, including wish granting, have a minimum age requirement.  

What type of roles do volunteers have with Make-A-Wish?

There are four main types of volunteer opportunities at our chapter: Wish Granting, Special Events, Airport Greets and occasional Office Work.  Volunteer needs may differ by location.

What is the time commitment expected of volunteers?

Volunteer commitments vary, depending on the volunteer opportunity you decide to pursue.

I am under the age of 18 - how can I help Make-A-Wish?

Children under 18 can still make a big difference for wish kids through our Kids For Wish Kids® program. To learn more about how you can get involved in this program, click here.   

Are there opportunities for groups to volunteer?

We occasionally have opportunities for groups to volunteer at events (e.g., our 5k Walk for Wishes). If you are interested in volunteering with your co-workers, student group, or community organization, contact us at volunteers@sfla.wish.org 

Why do I have to undergo a criminal background check?

Make-A-Wish volunteers work directly with our wish families and/or may handle Make-A-Wish resources (including money or donated goods) as they grant wishes or volunteer at fundraising events. For the protection of the wish families and Make-A-Wish itself, we require criminal background checks of staff, board members and volunteers.  All information in the application and any acquired through the background check will remain confidential and is used only for screening and placement purposes. 

Make-A-Wish policy prohibits our chapter from using the services of a volunteer if they have ever been convicted of a crime that victimizes children, is sexual in nature and/or involves violence, fraud or significant theft.  

How do I become a volunteer?

In order to provide wish children and their families with the best experience possible, we require all potential volunteers to go through an approval process before becoming an active Make-A-Wish volunteer.

I have a question not addressed here.  Who can I contact?

Our Volunteer Program Team is happy to answer any questions or address any concerns that you may have. Contact us at volunteers@sfla.wish.org

Wish Granter Resources

CLICK HERE FOR ACCESS to Wish Packet, and important forms, helpful resources and contact information for the Mission Delivery team. **Works in Firefox and Chrome**