Our Staff

Our Staff
Danielle Lopez
Danielle Lopez, MBA

Chief Financial & Operating Officer

My Wish
I wish to have a beach staycation - Deseo tener unas vacaciones locales en la playa
Stefanie Muñoz

Chief Development Officer

My Wish
I wish to go to the Super Bowl (with hopefully the Chargers playing!) - Deseo ir al Super Bowl (¡y ojalá juegen los Chargers!)
Christine Reed, MBA

Sr. Director, Communications

My Wish
I wish to meet the cast from Parks & Rec - Deseo conocer al elenco de Parks & Rec
Kelli Loper

Senior Manager, Wish Assist & Community Partnerships

My Wish
I wish to be Miss USA for the day - Deseo ser Miss USA por un día
Lyon Frazier

Database & Operations Manager

My Wish
I wish to go on a shopping spree for turntables, a mixer and records - Deseo ir de compras por unos discos, un mixer, y un tocadiscos
Hallie Noel

Medical Outreach Manager

My Wish
I wish to go on a family vacation to Hawaii - Deseo ir a Hawái de vacaciones con mi familia
Zully Racik

Development Data Specialist

My Wish
I wish to go on the Crazy About Cats tour at the San Diego Zoo - Deseo ir a la gira "Crazy About Cats" en el Zoológico de San Diego
Colleen Edwards

Senior Coordinator, Events

My Wish
I wish to go to a Bruce Springsteen concert with my dad - Deseo ir a un concierto de Bruce Springsteen concert con mi papá
Fernanda Quezada - Headshot
Fernanda Quezada

Bilingual Wish Coordinator

My Wish
I wish to go to Italy and drink coffee daily from a local coffee shop - Deseo ir a Italia & tomar café diario en cafesitos locales
Sophia Garcia

Operations Coordinator

My Wish
I wish to go to Rome to visit the historical sites and museums! -- Deseo ir a Roma para visitar los sitios históricos y los museos!
Samantha Lingao

Events Assistant

My Wish
I wish to attend the TEDGlobal Conference and converse with the speakers. -- Me gustaría asistir a la conferencia TEDGlobal y conversar con los ponentes.