I wish to go to Disney World
liver transplant

Ayden's life-changing wish to go to Disney World
Ayden's dream of meeting the real-life version of his friends comes true!
When Ayden was only a couple of weeks old, he was diagnosed with a rare liver disease. His health quickly deteriorated, and at only three months of age, he went into surgery as he had developed borderline cirrhosis. This surgery would only serve as a band aid, and ultimately, Ayden would need a new liver. His medical journey became challenging and hospital visits became part of the routine. Due to safety precautions, the lack of visitors made those hospital stays very lonely. During this isolating time, Ayden’s collection of toys—that he calls his friends—really helped pass the time for him. Ayden is known for having the most creative imagination and can play with his toys for hours ... with his Toy Story characters being his favorite ones. “Toy Story probably has kept the most special place because it was the first Disney movie he REALLY gravitated to. I think pretending that his toys could come alive and be his friends, really stuck with him this whole time,” shared wish mom Veronica.
After several years of being on the waitlist, Ayden’s family finally got notified that a liver could become available, and that very same day, Ayden endured a 12-hour surgery. Shortly after his transplant, Ayden’s family was contacted by Make-A-Wish, and that is where the dream of meeting the real-life version of his friends began. “I remember being in the hospital watching Toy Story with him night after night, and then watching him play with all the figures as if they were his friends,” shared Veronica, “Disney World seemed like the best wish for so many reasons, but mainly because Toy Story in general played a huge role in Ayden’s journey.” Ayden’s family remembers the joy and excitement he felt during the time leading up to his wish. Ayden was so thrilled that he would ask his parents to let his teachers know that he was a wish kid. When the day finally came, it was not surprising to find Ayden’s suitcase full of friends he had packed, ready to join him on his adventure.
Although Ayden’s childhood had been completely altered by his condition, he was able to enjoy and experience Disney World to its fullest. Rollercoasters became his favorite, he met all his beloved Toy Story friends, and there wasn’t a toy shop that he didn’t visit. Veronica remembers there were many moments in which Ayden would smile from ear to ear, and say, “thank you Ayden’s liver, and thank you Make-A-Wish.”
When reflecting on the experience, Veronica shares...
Make-A-Wish, and everyone who made this possible, gave us an extraordinary gift. That gift felt like we got life and time back..."