A wish is a turning point in a child’s medical journey that opens the door to exciting possibilities. When you help grant a wish, you restore hope for a child and improve their mental well-being. With hope, they find light in the darkness of their current circumstances. This hope can only be found in a wish and you have the power to create it.
Read on to learn more about our mission and ways you can get involved with wish-granting!

World Wish Day is April 29th, the day we celebrate the wish that led to our founding nearly 40 years ago. 7-year-old Chris Greicius’ wish to be a police officer inspired his community, the nation, and the world. Since then, more than 500,000 wishes have been granted worldwide.Â

This World Wish Day, you can show your support Make-A-Wish by wearing Make-A-Wish blue, starting your own online fundraiser, or getting your school or company involved with wish-granting.

Learn about Make-A-Wish events and fundraisers happening in your area by clicking here.

Many Cincinnati-area businesses, organizations, and individuals support Make-A-Wish OKI through generous event sponsorship, major gifts, and donations. Click here and see if you recognize any local names like David & Jennifer Bastos, Dave Kelsey & Family, and Process Plus, LLC, who have made donations of $10,000+ to Make-A-Wish within the past year.

As you file your 2021 taxes before Tax Day, Make-A-Wish Ohio, Kentucky & Indiana invites you to think about your financial journey for the year ahead. If you are considering making a difference for children with critical illnesses this year, please consider giving directly from your Individual Retirement Account (IRA). Click here to learn more!

Discover how you can make an impact on wish kids in Ohio, Kentucky & Indiana as a volunteer! Click here to start your application today!